Packages from rapidwebltd

  • PHP


    Generate configuration files for PHP Amazon MWS library -

  • PHP


    PHP enums for Amazon MWS feeds

  • PHP


    array_undot (the opposite of the array_dot helper function) expands a dot notation array into a full multi-dimensional array.

  • PHP


    Wraps up any PHP object so all its methods are cached.

  • PHP


    Based on Etsy Rest API description output, this wrapper provides a simple client with all available methods on Etsy API (thanks to the __call magic PHP method!), validating its arguments on each request.

  • PHP


    Attempting to use whereHas queries with standard Eloquent polymorphic relationships will fail, due to Eloquent being unable to determine the correct model to retrieve. The 'Improved Polymorphic Eloquent Builder' is a class which extends the Eloquent Builder class that is built in to Laravel 5.1. It enables limited use of the whereHas method to query Eloquent polymorphic relationships.

  • PHP


    Laravel Dynamic Menu provides the foundation to build entirely dynamic database powered navigation menus for your web application.

  • PHP


    Under certain conditions, when posting data from a form, the web server may lose the post data. This commonly happens if a user is uploading a large file beyond the size limits set in the web server's configuration. Laravel does not handle this situation and may end up throwing a somewhat confusing `TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken` due to CSRF protection. The 'No Post Data Laravel Middleware' handles situations in which a post request has been submitted and contains no post data - a situation which should not occur under normal usage. By default, the middleware will redirect back to the previous page with an error message flashed to the session. This can then be output on your view as you would normally handle validation errors. If needed, you can also modify this default behaviour and allow any code to run when the 'post request with no post data' situation is encountered.

  • PHP


    This library enables developers to easily redirect users to different URLs, for the purpose of bucket testing. Bucket testing is also known as A/B testing or split testing. This type of testing is used to test two or more versions of a webpage to determine which one performs better based on specfied key metrics, such as clicks, downloads, purchases or any other form of conversion.

  • PHP


    Progress bar for command line PHP scripts

  • PHP


    PHP Countries is a library that provides an elegant syntax to country data.

  • PHP


    PHP library for the Google Contacts API (v3)

  • PHP


    This package provides a handler to ease authentication with Google's OAuth 2 APIs.

  • PHP


    This package provides a user friendly way of interacting with Google Contacts via the Google People API.

  • PHP


    This library handles various UK postcode related tasks such as address lookup by postcode, postcode validation, generation of valid UK postcodes and getting a postcode's outward and inward codes.

  • PHP


    This library enables developers to easily retrieve UK Bank Holiday details. Holidays can be retrieved for England & Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Information about these holidays can optionally be restricted by month or date.

  • PHP


    RW File Cache is a PHP File-based Caching Library. Its syntax is designed to closely resemble the PHP memcache extension.

  • PHP


    Laravel Cache Driver for RW-File-Cache package

  • PHP


    PSR-6 adapter for RW File Cache

  • PHP


    Search allows you to easily add an intelligent search engine to your website or web application. It can be configured to search any database table.

  • PHP


    This package provides simple access to current currency exchange rates.

  • PHP


    a simple api for the google maps services

  • PHP


    A simple MailChimp API wrapper, SimpleMailChimp makes it easy to pass data back and forth between your website and your MailChimp account. This includes subscribing or unsubscribing users, getting a subscriber’s details and getting all the members of a particular list.

  • PHP


    SimpleStripe makes it easier than ever to integrate basic Stripe-powered payments into a site. With only a small amount of code you can have a payment form ready to start charging customers.

  • PHP


    The Site Map URL Checker enables you to run an automatic checks for the response from a list of urls stored in a file.

  • PHP


    UXDM helps developers migrate data from one system or format to another.

  • PHP


    This library automatically starts Zebra sessions (database powered sessions) wherever vendor/autoload.php is included. It can be useful if you need to add database powered sessions to a bespoke PHP application that lacks an existing framework.