
JSON Object Signing and Encryption

2.0.0 2023-05-31 19:46 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:39:34 UTC


JOSE is analogue to COSE(CBOR Object Signing and Encryption)

Software License


For now you only have one option and it's 'Sign1Message', Sign1Messages are used when there is a single signature attached to the structure, consisting of headers and payload, Receivers must know the public key to verify the message.

The basic structure of Sign1Message: ['Sign1Message', {phdr}, {uhdr}, {payload}, {signature}]

phdr = Protected header, this field contains informations that needs to be protected.This information is taken into account during signing. uhdr = Unprotected header, this field contains information that DO NOT needs to be protected therefor is not taken in consideration while signing. Payload = Contains the main message body taken in consideration while signing Signature = (r, s) paire signature


Install with composer.

$ composer require randrei98/josephp

Signing and encoding

use \ECDSA\Curves;
use \ECDSA\Algorithms;
use \JOSE\JOSEmessage;
use \JOSE\Sign1Message;
use \JOSE\Keys;

//Set information for protected header
$phdr = 'JON DOE';
$uhdr = '';

//Set the paylaod
$payload = 'This is a test';


//Set params
$curve = Curves::NIST256P();
$algo = Algorithms::ES256();

//Set the Key ID
$KID = '';

$key = new Keys($pem, $KID, $curve, $algo);

$message = new Sign1Message($phdr, $uhdr, $payload);

//Assign the key to the message
$message->key = $key;

//Encode the message
$encoded = $message->encode();


Decoding and Signature verification

use \ECDSA\Curves;
use \ECDSA\Algorithms;
use \JOSE\JOSEmessage;
use \JOSE\Sign1Message;
use \JOSE\Keys;

$curve = Curves::NIST256P();
$algo = Algorithms::ES256();

$publicKey_pem = 'PUBLIC EC KEY HERE';

$key = $key = new Keys($pem, '', $curve, $algo);

$decoded = JOSEmessage::decode($encoded);
$decoded->key = $key;
