
Easily hook in and fire native laravel events with laravel-doctrine

v0.2.3 2023-05-17 12:44 UTC


This package provides a simple way to hook into Doctrine2 Entity events and remap them to native Laravel events.

Getting Started

  • Install using composer require randomstate/laravel-doctrine-entity-events
  • Add RandomState\LaravelDoctrineEntityEvents\LaravelDoctrineEntityEventsServiceProvider::class to the providers section of config/app.php



Helper Method (recommended)


use RandomState\LaravelDoctrineEntityEvents\EventRedirector;

public class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

    public function register() {
        EventRedirector::register(function(EventRedirector $redirector) {
            ->postFlush() // falls back to default as no destination is provided

Intercept Service Instantiation


use RandomState\LaravelDoctrineEntityEvents\EventRedirector;

public class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {

    public function register() {
        $this->app->resolving(EventRedirector::class, (function(EventRedirector $redirector) {
            ->postFlush() // falls back to default as no destination is provided


Every Laravel Event you specify as a destination will be supplied the entity and doctrine event arguments on creation. The entity is supplied as the first argument so you can conveniently ignore other event arguments when you are only interested in the entity itself.


class MyEntityWasCreated {
    public function __construct(MyEntity $entity, LifecycleEventArgs $eventArgs) {
        // do something
    public function handle() {
        // do something

Advanced Usage

If you need to customise the way the event is instantiated, supply a closure as your 'destination' when defining the redirects.


EventRedirector::register(function(EventRedirector $redirector) {
            ->postUpdate(function(MyEntity $entity) {
                $mailer = app('mailer');
                event(new MyEntityWasUpdated($entity, $mailer)); // customised instantiation
            ->postFlush() // falls back to default as no destination is provided