
Laravel Multiauth Admin package

dev-master 2018-09-23 06:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 00:57:17 UTC


Version Guidance

5.6 and 5.7


Install via composer.

composer require ramiawadallah/laraboom-multiauth

Before proceeding : you can make a normal auth, check this doc

Publish Migrations

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="multiauth:migrations"

Run the Migration to have tables in your database.

php artisan migrate


If you have added new column to admin migration then you should need admin factory to generate first super admin via above command.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="multiauth:factories"

First Admin

Obviously, first time you need at least one super admin to login with and then create other admins.

php artisan multiauth:seed --role=super

Now you can login your admin side by going to https://localhost:8000/admin with creadential of email = super@admin.com and password = secret Obviously you can later change these things.

Register new Admin

To register new use you need to go to https://localhost:8000/admin/register.

Keep in mind that only a Super Admin can create new Admin.

Changing admin views

You can Publish package views files and overrides with yours so that you can have views which suits your project design.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="multiauth:views"


Yes you can write validation rules to your new columns or change existing validation rules by publishing config file.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="multiauth:config"

Change Prefix

You can change the prefix in your config file you have just published. With prefix we mean what you want to call your admin side, we call it admin you can call it whatever you want. Suppose you have changed prefix to 'master' now everywhere instead of 'admin' word, that changed to 'master'

    | Prefix
    | Use prefix to before the routes of multiauth package.
    | This way you can keep your admin page secure.
    | Default : admin
    'prefix' => 'admin', // can change it to, lets say 'prefix' => 'master'

Create Roles

To create a new role you have two options:

  1. Using artisan command
php artisan multiauth:role rolename
  1. Using Interface Just go to https://localhost:8000/admin/role.

Now you can click on 'Add Role' button to create new role.

Edit or Delete Role can also be done with same interface

Publish Routes file

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="multiauth:routes"

Access Level

With Middleware

  1. You can use 'role' middleware to allow various admin for accessing certain section according to their role.
    return "This route can only be accessed by admin with role of Editor"

Here it does't matter if you give role as uppercase or lowercase or mixed, this package take care of all these.

  1. If you want a section to be accessed by only super user then use role:super middleware A super admin can access all lower role sections.
    return "This route can only be accessed by super admin"

With Blade Syntax

You can simply use blade syntax for showing or hiding any section for admin with perticular role. For example, If you want to show a button for admin with role of editor then write.

    <button>Only For Editor</button>

If you want to add multiple role, you can do like this

    <button> This is visible to admin with all these role</button>

Another Auth

Apart from Admin section, you can make a another auth

php artisan multiauth:make {guard}

You can rollback this auth also if you want.

php artisan multiauth:rollback {guard}