
A simple component way to work with Cookies

1.1.1 2022-12-08 22:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-09 01:34:23 UTC


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The Cookie is a component for creating Cookies in the browser with the possibility to create, read, edit and remove cookies.

O Cookie é um componente para criação de Cookies nos navegadores tendo a possibilidade de criar, ler, editar e remover cookies.


  • Simple Installation (Instalação simples)
  • Easy get instance (Fácil de instanciar)
  • Total controle of the cookies (Controle total dos cookies)
  • Create cookies with base_64 encryption (Crie cookies com criptografia base_64)
  • Composer ready and PSR-2 compliant (Pronto para o composer e Compatível com PSR-2)


Cookie is available via Composer:

"rafaeldms/cookie": "^1.*"

or run

composer require rafaeldms/cookie


For details on how to use the Cookie, see the sample folder with details in the component directory

Para mais detalhes sobre como usar o Cookie, veja a pasta de exemplo com detalhes no diretório do componente

To start using the Cookie you can Instantiate a new Class or use it in an abstract way

Para começar a usar o Cookie pode Instanciar uma nova Classe ou utilizando métodos estáticos

Create Cookie using static methods (Criando cookies usando o método estático)

use RafaelDms\Cookie\StaticCookie;

 * Create a new cookie using the static method
 StaticCookie::setCookie::set("test", "new_test", 10);

Get Cookie using static methods (Obter Cookie usando métodos estáticos)

 * get value the static method
 echo StaticCookie::get("test");

 echo "<br><br>";

Create values as array (Criando valores em array)

 * Create value as array
StaticCookie::set('user', ['name' => 'Rafael', 'role' => "Developer"], 10);

Get Cookie using static methods (Obter Cookie usando métodos estáticos)

 * get value as array the static method
echo StaticCookie::get('user')['role'];

echo "<br><br>";

Delete cookie using static method (Deletar cookie usando método estático)

 * remove the static class

Create if it doens't exist using method static (Criando um cookie se não existir usando método estático)

 * create if it doesn't exist the static method
StaticCookie::setDoesntHave('testIfDoesntHave', true, 10000);

Create and delete if it exists the static method (Criando e deletando um cookie se existir usando método estático)

 * create if it doesn't exist the static method
StaticCookie::setDoesntHave('testIfDoesntHave', 'ok', 12500, "/admin", true);

Check if exists using a static method (Verificando se um cookie existe usando método estático)

 * check if exists cookie the static class
if (StaticCookie::has('testIfDoesntHave')) {
    echo "Cookie testIfDoesntHave exist";
} else {
    echo "Cookie testIfDoesntHave not exist";

echo "<br><br>";

Check if exists by value using a static method (Verificando se um cookie existe um valor usando método estático)

 * check if exists by value

if (StaticCookie::has("testIfDoesntHave", 1)) {
    echo "the value is equal to ok";
} else {
    echo "the vlaue is no equal to ok";
echo "<br><br>";

Instance a new cookie object (Instanciando um novo objeto cookie)

use RafaelDms\Cookie\Cookie;

 * Create a new cookie using construct method
$cookie = new Cookie("testCookie");

Set methods

Set value

 * set value a cookie using methot set

Set expiryTime

 * set expiryTime
$cookie->setExpiryTime(24 * 60 * 60);

Set path

 * set path

Set domain

 * set domain

Set http only

 * set httpOnly to false

Set secure only

 * set secure only to true

Save and set

 * save a cookies


Get methods

Get value

 * get value
echo "Value: " . $cookie->getValue();
echo "<br><br>";

Get expire time

 * get expire time
echo "Expire Time: " . $cookie->getExpiryTime();
echo "<br><br>";

Get path

 * get path
echo "Path: " .  $cookie->getPath();
echo "<br><br>";

Get domain

 * get domain
echo "Domain: " .  $cookie->getDomain();
echo "<br><br>";

Is http only

 * is http only
echo "Http only: " . ($cookie->isHttpOnly() ? 'true' : 'false');
echo "<br><br>";

Is secure only

 * is secure only
echo "Secure only: " . ($cookie->isSecureOnly() ? 'true' : "false");
echo "<br><br>";

Update value (set new value)

 * update value


Check if exists cookie and delete cookie

 * check if exists cookie and delete cookie

Delete and unset cookie

 * delele cookie and unset



Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


Security: If you discover any security related issues, please email rafael@cagep.com.br instead of using the issue tracker.

Se você descobrir algum problema relacionado à segurança, envie um e-mail para rafael@cagep.com.br em vez de usar o rastreador de problemas.

Thank you



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.