
Verifies Recaptcha with Google's API

0.2.7 2017-12-13 18:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 05:44:32 UTC


Verifies Recaptcha with Google's API.

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This plugin requires Craft CMS 3.0.0-beta.23 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:
 cd /path/to/project
  1. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:
 composer require radiergummi/recaptcha-verify
  1. In the Control Panel, go to SettingsPlugins and click the “Install” button for Recaptcha Verify.

Recaptcha Verify Overview

Recaptcha Verify validates Recaptcha tokens against Google's library. This is most possibly the smallest plugin I've ever written for any CMS (ignoring my debugTheme plugin for WordPress, which has an astonishing 3 lines to offer).

Using Recaptcha Verify

Recaptcha Verify provides a new POST action to Craft: recaptcha-verify/verify, that enables you to verify your responses. It also provides listeners for the contact form plugin, so you can verify your submissions. Details below.

The action expects the body content to contain CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN and token, where token is the Recaptcha token received from Google. To set up the client side verification process, take a peek at the Google documentation.

The response will be a 400 error if

  • you don't have a secret configured in the settings
  • there is no token in the POST body

The response will be a 200 success if

  • the token could be validated ({status: 'success'} as response body)
  • the token could not be validated ({status: 'failed'} as response body)

It might sound strange to not throw an error for a validation issue, but it's actually just the result of the action asked for. How you handle that error on the client side is up to you. If there is substantial interest in that being changed to throw an error too, I'll update the plugin.

Configuring Recaptcha Verify

There are two settings fields: Your Recaptcha API site key and secret. You can acquire them here: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin

Fill the values as they are presented on the Google instructions page. You can also use a (multi-environment aware) configuration file named recaptcha-verify.php.

ContactForm integration

This is still a TODO scheduled for 0.3.0 😉
Currently I'm not sure on how to make this optional, if anyone would like to help out, I'm open for PRs or issues.

To validate the token within a form submission, include the field message[token] in your form submission. Recaptcha does currently not (and most likely never will) support browsers without JavaScript, so you'll need to submit it via JS anyway.
See the following example form for reference:

<!-- Create your form. I skipped all the fields you'll likely want to include for simplicity -->
<form action="/" method="POST" id="contact-form">
  <input type="submit" value="Send">

<!-- Provide a container to render the recaptcha in -->
<div id="recaptcha-container"></div>

<!-- Include the Recaptcha script, passing our callback -->
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadCallback&render=explicit" async defer>

  // this will hold our token
  let recaptchaToken = null;
  // callback for Recaptcha. We passed that as a parameter to `onload` in the script URL
  const onloadCallback = function() {
    // render the widget in our container
    grecaptcha.render('recaptcha-container', {
      sitekey:  'your_site_key', // that one is passed in the settings
      callback: verifyCallback,  // our verification callback below
      theme:    'dark'           // optional theme
  // set recaptchaToken to the response from Google
  const verifyCallback = function(response) {
    recaptchaToken = response;
  // capture the submit event from our form
  document.querySelector('#contact-form').addEventListener('submit', event => {
    // prevent it from automatically submitting just yet
    // if we don't have a token at this point, the user did not confirm the Recaptcha yet
    if (!recaptchaToken) {
      return alert('Please confirm the Recaptcha first!');
    // using Axios here for less complex code, you're free to use whatever AJAX library of course.
    // we pass the token (among our other fields, of course) as a parameter
    axios.post('/', {
      action:           'contact-form/send'
      'message[token]': recaptchaToken

Brought to you by Radiergummi