
A basic extension of nikic/fast-route.

1.0.1 2016-06-14 10:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 07:45:12 UTC


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Racoon uses nikic/fast-route to deal with routing.

Defining where routes are stored

Routes need to be added in a routes file, which should be added to the Router, or defined in an anonymous function passed to the router.


// Tells the router you are done adding routes so as it can process them.

If you want to store routes in multiple locations you can do it as follows.


// Tells the router you are done adding routes so as it can process them.

If you define multiple route locations, they will be included/added in the same order as you define them.

To define routes without storing them in a separate file you can do the following.

$router->addRouteCallable(function($r) {
    // Define your routes here as if they were in another file.
    // $r->addRoute(), $r->addGroup(), etc are all available.

Setting up routes

Inside one of the route files that have been added to the router you need to define your routes in the following format.

$httpRequestMethod = ['GET', 'POST'];
$requestUri = '/users/list';
$handlerString = '\\MyApp\\Users@list';
$r->addRoute($httpRequestMethod, $requestUri, $handlerString);

Route Groups

To make it easier to set up long urls multiple times you can use groups. The following code blocks give the same result.

$r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/users/list', '\\MyApp\\Users@list');
$r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/users/get', '\\MyApp\\Users@get');
$r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/users/update', '\\MyApp\\Users@update');
$r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/users/delete', '\\MyApp\\Users@delete');
$r->addGroup('/users', function () {
    $r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/list', '\\MyApp\\Users@list');
    $r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/get', '\\MyApp\\Users@get');
    $r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/update', '\\MyApp\\Users@update');
    $r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/delete', '\\MyApp\\Users@delete');

You can also use sub-groups. The following code blocks give the same result.

$r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/some/long/url/do-something', '\\MyApp\\Users@list');
$r->addGroup('/some', function ($r) {
    $r->addGroup('/long', function ($r) {
        $r->addGroup('/url', function ($r) {
            $r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/do-something', '\\MyApp\\Users@list');

HTTP Request Method

The HTTP Request Method(s) that the route should match. This can be any HTTP request type such as GET or POST.

Can be a string or an array of strings.

Request URI

The request URI that the route should match.

You can define the request URI in multiple ways.


For more information see the FastRoute Route Docs

Any wildcards/placeholders defined here will be passed into the Controller/Handler method.

Handler String

The handler string defines the class and method that should be executed should the current request match a route.

The required format is \MyApp\Users@list where \MyApp\Users is the full class name including the namespace, and list is the method inside of that class which you want to be executed.