
Create a new project using QuidPHP, LemurCMS and Vue

5.31.0 2022-07-11 03:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 09:07:38 UTC


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QuidPHP/Vue repository contains the necessary structure to create a new project using QuidPHP, LemurCMS and Vue.


QuidPHP/Vue is available as an open-source software under the MIT license.


QuidPHP/Vue documentation is available at QuidPHP/Docs.


QuidPHP/Vue can be easily installed with Composer. It is available on Packagist.

$ composer create-project quidphp/vue --prefer-dist


QuidPHP/Vue requires the following:

  • Apache or Nginx server (running on MacOs or Linux environment).
    • Works in Windows environment but there are known issues.
  • PHP 8.1
    • with these extensions:
      • ctype
      • curl
      • date
      • fileinfo
      • gd
      • iconv
      • json
      • mbstring
      • pcre
      • openssl
      • session
      • SimpleXML
      • zip
      • PDO
      • pdo_mysql
    • and these PHP INI directives
      • post_max_size must be at least 1MB
      • post_max_size must be larger than upload_max_filesize
      • memory_limit must be at least 128MB
  • Mysql (>= 8.0) or MariaDB (>= 10.4) database
  • NodeJs LTS version (>= 16)
  • Any modern browser (not Internet Explorer)


QuidPHP/Assert has the following dependencies:

All dependencies will be resolved by using the Composer installation process.


Once the installation is complete, simply follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the storage and public folders are writable by your web server. For storage also make sure all subdirectories are writable.
  2. Configure an Apache Virtual Host or Nginx Server Block in order to have a domain pointing to the public folder document root.
  3. Import db.sql within a new Mysql/MariaDB database.
  4. Duplicate the env-default.php file and rename it to env.php.
  5. Update the scheme hosts within the env.php file. You will need to set a different host (domain or subdomain) for the application and the CMS.
  6. Update the database parameters within the env.php file.
  7. Not required, but you are encouraged to change the namespace of all PHP classes within the src folder. The default namespace is Project.

Booting via Webpack/HTTP

Open the project folder in the Command Line. To start the development server with hot module reload (HMR) write:

npm run hot

Your application will be reachable at the defined host within your env.php file. A second Node server is also started to serve the HMR requests (defaults to localhost on port 8079). You may need to accept the self-signed certificate for that localhost.

Webpack production build

To generate the production build for the Vue application, open the project folder in the Command Line and write:

npm run prod

QuidPHP CLI routes

Open the project folder in the Command Line. You may now submit a command in the following format:

php quid [path][:envType]
php quid /en/my-url
php quid /en/my-url:dev/cms
php quid /:prod/app

LemurCMS credentials

Once you open the CMS within your browser, you will need to login. The default user is:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: changeme123

Once you are logged in, you will be able to change the password for the user and create new users.


QuidPHP/Project contains 30 files. Here is an overview:

Known issues

  • On Windows, there are some problems related to creating symlinks.
  • On Windows, you will need to add lower_case_table_names = 2 in your database configuration file (my.cnf). The table and column names need to be stored in their natural case.


QuidPHP testsuite can be run by creating a new QuidPHP/Assert project.