
Minimalist dependency injection container implementing Psr-11

1.0 2022-09-13 11:14 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 17:12:29 UTC


This package provides a minimalist dependency injection container implementing Psr-11.

The goal is to implement a container working out of the box with minimal configuration, implementing interface aliasing and a basic autowiring mechanism.

Getting started

Require php >= 7.4

Installation composer require quanta/container

Run tests php ./vendor/bin/phpunit

Testing a specific php version using docker:

  • docker build . --build-arg PHP_VERSION=7.4 --tag quanta/container/tests:7.4
  • docker run --rm quanta/container/tests:7.4

Basic usage

  • container entries are defined using any iterable as long as keys can be casted as strings
  • any non callable value is returned as is like an associative array
  • any callable value is treated as a factory building the associated value (the results are cached so the callable is run only once and the same value is returned on every ->get() call)

// class definitions
final class SomeClass
    public function __construct(public SomeDependency $dependency)

final class SomeDependency

// container configuration
$container = new Quanta\Container([
    'id' => 'value',

    SomeClass::class => fn ($container) => new SomeClass(

    SomeDependency::class => fn () => new SomeDependency,

    'throwing' => function () {
        throw new Exception('some exception');

// true
$container instanceof Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
$container->get('id') === 'value';
$container->get(SomeClass::class) == new SomeClass(new SomeDependency);
$container->get(SomeDependency::class) == new SomeDependency;
$container->get(SomeClass::class) === $container->get(SomeClass::class);
$container->get(SomeDependency::class) === $container->get(SomeDependency::class);
$container->get(SomeClass::class)->dependency === $container->get(SomeDependency::class);

// false

// throws Quanta\Container\NotFoundException
try {
} catch (Quanta\Container\NotFoundException $e) {
    // 'No 'not.defined' entry defined in the container'
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";

// throws Quanta\Container\ContainerException with the caught exception as previous
try {
} catch (Quanta\Container\ContainerException $e) {
    // 'Cannot get 'throwing' from the container: factory has thrown an uncaught exception'
    echo $e->getMessage() . "\n";

    // 'some exception'
    echo $e->getPrevious()->getMessage() . "\n";

Interface aliasing

  • interface names associated to strings are treated as aliases
// class definitions
interface SomeInterface

final class SomeImplementation implements SomeInterface

// container configuration
$container = new Quanta\Container([
    SomeInterface::class => SomeImplementation::class,

    SomeImplementation::class => fn () => new SomeImplementation,

// true

$container->get(SomeInterface::class) == new SomeImplementation;
$container->get(SomeImplementation::class) == new SomeImplementation;

$container->get(SomeInterface::class) === $container->get(SomeInterface::class);
$container->get(SomeInterface::class) === $container->get(SomeImplementation::class);
$container->get(SomeImplementation::class) === $container->get(SomeImplementation::class);


The container will try to build instances of non defined classes using simple rules to infer constructor parameter values:

  • when the type of a parameter is a defined interface name, its value is retrieved from the container
  • when the type of a parameter is a class name, its value is retrieved from the container (and also autowired if not defined)
  • when the type of a parameter is not an interface/class name, its default value is used if present
  • null is used as a fallback when the parameter allows null
  • a Quanta\Container\ContainerException is thrown when:
    • no value can be infered for a parameter (not an interface/class name as type, no default value, not allowing null)
    • trying to infer the value of a parameter with union/intersection type, without default value, not allowing null (php 8.0/8.1)
    • trying to autowire an abstract class or a class with protected/private constructor
  • the ->has() method returns true for any existing classes
  • the objects built through autowiring are cached

A factory must be defined when more control over the class instantiation is needed.


// class definitions
interface SomeInterface

final class SomeImplementation implements SomeInterface

final class AnotherUndefinedClass

final class UndefinedClass
    public function __construct(
        public SomeInterface $dependency1,
        public AnotherUndefinedClass $dependency2,
        public ?int $dependency3,
        public string $dependency4 = 'test',
    ) {

// container configuration
$container = new Quanta\Container([
    SomeInterface::class => SomeImplementation::class,

// true

$container->get(SomeInterface::class) == new SomeImplementation;
$container->get(SomeImplementation::class) == new SomeImplementation;
$container->get(UndefinedClass::class) == new UndefinedClass(new SomeImplementation, new AnotherUndefinedClass, null);
$container->get(AnotherUndefinedClass::class) == new AnotherUndefinedClass;

$container->get(SomeInterface::class) === $container->get(SomeInterface::class);
$container->get(SomeInterface::class) === $container->get(SomeImplementation::class);
$container->get(SomeImplementation::class) === $container->get(SomeImplementation::class);
$container->get(UndefinedClass::class) === $container->get(UndefinedClass::class);
$container->get(AnotherUndefinedClass::class) === $container->get(AnotherUndefinedClass::class);

$container->get(UndefinedClass::class)->dependency1 === $container->get(SomeInterface::class);
$container->get(UndefinedClass::class)->dependency2 === $container->get(AnotherUndefinedClass::class);
$container->get(UndefinedClass::class)->dependency3 === null;
$container->get(UndefinedClass::class)->dependency4 === 'test';