
Brings Laravel Tinker to Flarum

Installs: 81

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0


v1.1.1 2021-06-01 21:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-29 04:49:05 UTC


License Latest Stable Version

A Flarum extension allows you to interact with your entire Flarum application on the command line, including the Eloquent ORM, jobs, events, and more.

[Flarum Tinker by Luuhai48 and maintained by QUADEMU]


composer require quademu/flarum-tinker

Enable the extension in your admin setting panel, or you can add these lines to your {project_root}/extend.php file.

return [
    (new Extend\Console())->command(QUADEMU\FlarumTinker\TinkerCommand::class),
    (new Extend\Console())->command(QUADEMU\FlarumTinker\TinkerInstallCommand::class),


composer update quademu/flarum-tinker

(Optional if you want to use alias classes)

composer dump-autoload -o

Run the command below, you will find a config file published to {project_root}/config/tinker.php.

php flarum tinker:install

Modify config file if you want to alias classes from specific package of your choice.
