
Cron component for Phalcon.

0.2.1 2019-01-08 04:42 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 04:33:47 UTC


Cron component for Phalcon.

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Install using Composer:

	"require": {
		"sidroberts/phalcon-cron": "dev-master"

You'll also need to add the console to the DI:

$di = new \Phalcon\Di();

// ...

$console = new \Phalcon\Cli\Console();

// ...

$di->setShared("console", $console);

// ...




* * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/cli.php cron


	function () {
		$cron = new \Sid\Phalcon\Cron\Manager();
			new \Sid\Phalcon\Cron\Job\Callback(
				"* * * * *",
				function () {
					// ...
			new \Sid\Phalcon\Cron\Job\Phalcon(
				"0 * * * *",
					"task"   => "task",
					"action" => "action",
					"params" => "params"
			new \Sid\Phalcon\Cron\Job\System(
				"* 0 * * *",
				"sh backup.sh"
		return $cron;

CLI Task

class CronTask extends \Phalcon\Cli\Task
	public function mainAction()

Foreground Versus Background

Running jobs in the foreground (sequential):

Job1 -------->
Job2          ----------------->
Job3                            ---->

Running jobs in the background (parallel):

Job1 -------->
Job2 ----------------->
Job3 ---->

For most applications it is recommended to use ->runInBackground() as this is typical of a Cron implementation and is often quicker. If you specifically need to access the output of each Cron Job, use ->runInForeground().

->runInBackground() returns an array of Process instances. ->runInForeground() returns an array of outputs.

Waiting, Terminating And Killing

By default all background processes register a shutdown function that forces the PHP script to wait for job to complete before shutting down. You can call ->wait() on a Process instance if you need to wait until it has finished.

You can also use ->terminate() and ->kill() on a Process to send terminate and kill signals.

->wait(), ->terminate() and ->kill() are also available on the Manager instance and will wait for, terminate or kill every process.

Running Jobs At A Custom Time

You can see which Jobs are due at a particular time by passing a \DateTime to ->getDueJobs():

$datetime = new \DateTime("2015-01-01 00:00:00");


You can also pass a \DateTime to ->runInForeground()/->runInBackground() to run jobs due at that particular time.

$datetime = new \DateTime("2015-01-01 00:00:00");


Adding Jobs From A Crontab

You can also add jobs from a Crontab file, such as this one:

* * * * * /usr/bin/php /path/to/cli.php cron
$cron = new \Sid\Phalcon\Cron\Manager();


To get an array of System Job instances from the Crontab:

$crontab = new \Sid\Phalcon\Cron\CrontabParser("/path/to/crontab");

$jobs = $crontab->getJobs();