
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.03) of this package.


0.03 2020-04-17 06:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 04:38:43 UTC


全时百应 php 接口文档

  1. 使用了 tp 的 Arr 类库
  2. 使用 Requests 类库
  3. 使用了 ArrayToXml 类库
  4. Callback 中有返回的数据格式 request 以使用的 php 框架为主


composer requirt qmq\qsby


$api = new \qmq\qsby\Qsby("密码");


$error = $api->getError();

2.1 帐号检测

$res = $api->checkPwd();

2.2 创建会议

$res = $api->confReserve([
            'confName' => "测试会议",
            'dateStart' => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+10 days")),
            'timeStartH' => "10",
            "timeStartM" => "00",
            "confDuration" => "30",
            "partMax" => 5,

2.3 变更会议

$res = $api->confModify([
            'conferenceId' => '9838924',
            'confName' => '变更测试会议12',
            'dateStart' => date("Y-m-d", strtotime("+10 days")),
            'timeStartH' => "10",
            "timeStartM" => "00",
            "confDuration" => "30",
            "partMax" => "5",

2.5 会议状态查询

 $res = $api->confStatus([

2.6 会议取消

$res = $api->confDelete(9838924);

2.7 会后报告接口

$res = $api->confReport(9840072);

2.8 会议监控接口

$res = $api->confMonitor(9840072, '12312312');

2.9 会议录音下载页面

$res = $api->confRecordDownload(9840072);

2.10 会议列表接口

$res = $api->confList(['conferenceStatus' => [0]]);

2.11 会议监控项设置接口

$res = $api->confFunction();

2.12 会议平台归属查询接口

$res = $api->getplatform(79107999);

3.1 订阅监控接口

        $res = $api->subscribe([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            'needNotify' => "1",
            'returnUrl' => 'http://www.baidu.com',

3.2 走廊外呼接口

 $res = $api->hallwayCallout([
            'clientId' => "123",
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "phone" => "86123456",
            "name" => "xxx",
            "location" => 1,

3.3 外呼接口

$res = $api->callout([
            'clientId' => "123",
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            'ifSubscribe' => 1,
            "partyList" => [
                ["phone" => "8618811111111", "role" => "1", "name" => "x1"],
                ["phone" => "8618811111112", "role" => "0", "name" => "x2"],
                ["phone" => "8618811111113", "role" => "0", "name" => "x3"],
                ["phone" => "8618811111114", "role" => "0", "name" => "x4"],

3.4 移动参会者【走廊与会议室】接口

 $res = $api->moveLocation([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "location" => "2",
            "partyList" => ['1', '2', '3', '4'],

3.5 挂断参会者接口

 $res = $api->hangup([
            'clientId' => "123",
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "partyList" => ['1', '2', '3', '4'],

3.6 查询参会者状态接口

 $res = $api->partyStatus([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "partyList" => ['1', '2', '3', '4'],

3.7 播放会中语音接口

$res = $api->playMusic([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "status" => 1,
            "playDuration" => 30,

3.8 录音接口

 $res = $api->record([
            'clientId' => "123",
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "status" => 1,

3.9 参会者静音接口

  $res = $api->muteparty([
            'clientId' => "123",
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "type" => 0,
            "partyList" => [1, 2, 3, 4],

3.10 结束会议接口

 $res = $api->closeConf([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            'status' => 1,

3.11 会中修改会议属性接口

$res = $api->alterConf([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            'fieldList' => [
                ['fieldName' => "duration", "value" => 30],
            'timerList' => [
                ['time' => "60", 'timerAction' => "1", "actionValue" => null],

3.14 下载录音接口

  $res = $api->downloadRecord([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',

3.15 会场静音接口

$res = $api->muteConf([
            'clientId' => "123",
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            'type' => 0,

3.16 获取会议在线人员列表接口

 $res = $api->getOnlineParties([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            'type' => 0,

3.18 修改参会者角色接口

 $res = $api->modifyParty([
            'clientId' => "123",
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            "role" => 3,
            "partyList" => [1, 2, 3, 4],

4.1 查询联系人接口

$res = $api->queryContactList([
            'key' => "name",
            'value' => "%",
            'type' => 2,

4.2 删除联系人接口

$res = $api->deleteContact("11005066");

4.3 添加联系人接口 接口无法使用

 $res = $api->addContact([
            ['name' => "xxx", "mobilePrefix" => "86", "mobilePhone" => "18898757011"],
            ['name' => "yyy", "officePrefix" => "86", "officePhone" => "18898757012"],

4.4 修改联系人接口

$res = $api->updateContact([
            ['contactId' => '11005408', 'name' => "x1"],

6.1 发送会议通知

 $res = $api->sendNotify([
            'hostPwd' => '248663',
            'conferenceId' => '9840072',
            'notifyType' => 1,
            'isSendSms' => "1",
            "isSendEmial" => 0,
            'partyList' => [
                ['phone' => "(86)18898757032", "role" => 0, "name" => "X先生", "email" => "414111907@qq.com"],