
Crontab Manager

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v0.7.0 2020-11-02 09:05 UTC



$ composer require q-alliance/crontab-manager


  • create a reader, send username as parameter (use common sense, you cannot set root crontab if you are running this as joeaverage user)
  • create a writer and inject the reader
  • run update with array of cron jobs to add
for example:

use QAlliance\CrontabManager\Factory;

$listOfCronjobs = [
    '3 */4 * * * /home/test/dev/bittrex-logger/bin/console bittrex:fetch --verbose',
    '9 */12 * * 0 /home/test/keke/vendor/bin/foobar run --die',
    '11 1 * * 1 /usr/bin/php /var/www/sample.q-software.com/bin/console app:timerweekteamwork',

$writer = Factory::createWriter('www-data');
  • all users current cron jobs will be left intact
  • a new block of cron jobs will be added to crontab, using the list provided
  • this block is managed by this library - if you add or remove jobs from the array, they will be updated when you run the updateMangedCrontab method
  • also see example.php in the root folder

Misc & TODO:

  • tests
  • create a symfony bundle to integrate this with Symfony 4 framework
  • CLI command that can be run via composer install to auto-update your crontabs with every new release