
Inversion of Control Container

v0.1.4 2024-10-30 22:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-12 15:01:50 UTC


A simple lightweight PHP Inversion of Control (IoC) container with the following features:

  • allow the creation of multiple or single(ton) instances
  • goes hand in hand with Constructor Dependency Injection
  • can bind to classes, methods, functions and instances
  • trigger autoloader only during resolve phase (lazy loading)
  • resolve nested dependencies, based on constructor DI
  • can bind with optional arguments
  • allow per instance arguments for non singletons during resolve phase
  • detect cyclic dependencies on first use
  • take default constructor arguments into account
  • support for multiple, independent containers
  • no external dependencies
  • easy to use


  • php 8.1 or higher


Install the Composer Package

composer require pyther/ioc

Inversion of Control is a two way process. First you have to bind or register implementations of interfaces or classes to the container and then resolve (one or multile times) the creation of instances. And here is a fictional example:

use Pyther\Ioc\Ioc;

// Let's bind an implementation of “MariaDatabase” as a singleton to an interface.
// This ist afast process and will NOT trigger the autoloader.
Ioc::bindSingleton(IDatabase::class, MariaDatabase::class);

// later anywhere in your code, resolve to an instance of a MariaDatabase class
$db = Ioc::get(IDatabase::class);

Why using an Ioc container

An IoC Container simplifies the creation of instances. It resolves object dependencies and is optimized to create instances on first use (lazy loading). It also makes it possible to replace classes with other (mock) implementations by changing one line of code. And it works perfectly with constructor dependency injections, forcing you to write cleaner code. It can also replace "global" collection classes.

In short, you define how instances are to be created, not when.


There are two general ways to bind implementations to the container.

The full syntax is:

bind[Singleton|Multiple](string name, string|callable|null implementation, array arguments = []) -> Ioc

The name is a unique name used later by the get method. The implementation must be a string (class name), any callable construction method, and existing object or null. arguments is an optional array of constructor arguments, indexed by argument name. These methods will return the Ioc container itself (usefull for chaining).


Ioc::bindSingleton(ShoppingCart::class, ShoppingCart::class);

If you bind using bindSingleton the instance will be created on first use of Ioc::get(ShoppingCart::class). All subsequent calls to the get method will always return the same instance.


Ioc::bindMultiple(Product::class, Product::class);

This way any call of Ioc::get(Product::class) will return a new instance of the Product class.

Dependency Injection

A "Inversion of Control" container goes hand in hand with Constructor Dependency Injection.

Let's look at an example. Imagine we have a shopping cart that depends of the current logged in customer:

class ShoppingCart
    function __construct(Customer $customer)

If we bind the ShoppingCart and Customer class to the IoC container

// hint: the order of binding doesn't matter.
Ioc::bindSingleton(ShippingCart::class, ShoppingCart::class);
Ioc::bindSingleton(Customer::class, Customer::class);

and we resolve the ShoppingCart class using

$cart = Ioc::get(ShoppingCart::class);

the container want to create a new shopping cart and see it requires a customer class. For this reason, a Customer instance is first created (if not already done) and passed as a parameter to the constructor of the ShoppingCart. This nesting is recursive and takes “singletons” and “multiple” instances into account. Of course, multiple constructor arguments are supported and cyclic dependencies are recognized when resolving via the get method and fires a Pyther\Ioc\Exceptions\ResolveException exception.

More control

This library gives you a lot control how objects will be instanced.

More binding control

For example you can add your own constructor arguments:

class Configurations
    function __construct(?string $path = null)
Ioc::bindSingleton(Configurations::class, Configurations::class, ["path" => "./config.json"]);

As you can see, the default values for constructors are taken into account (if no arguments are found).

Another way is to create an anonymous construct function:

Ioc::bindSingleton(Configurations::class, function() {
    return new Configurations("./config.json);

This function is only executed later when the object is first instantiated.

This way you can also have function arguments:

Ioc::bindSingleton(Configurations::class, function(string $path) {
    return new Configurations($path);
}, ['path' => "./config.json"]);

This construct function can be also be a static method of another object:

$this->bindSingleton(IInterface::class, [AnyClass::class, "createObject"]);
// or
$this->bindSingleton(IInterface::class, "My\Namespace\AnyClass::createObject");

or with arguments

$this->bindSingleton(IInterface::class, [AnyClass::class, "createObject"], [
    "text" => "abc", "number"=> 123
// or
$this->bindSingleton(IInterface::class, "My\Namespace\AnyClass::createObject", [
    "text" => "abc", "number"=> 123

Or as a method of an already instanced object:

$this->bindSingleton(IInterface::class, [$obj, "createObject"]);
// or with arguments
$this->bindSingleton(IInterface::class, [$obj, "createObject"],  [
    "text" => "abc", "number"=> 123

Binding to zero is also legitimate:

Ioc::bindSingleton(Configurations::class, null);

In this case, an exception is not thrown when resolving, but is resolved to zero.

And finally you can also bind an already existing objects:

$configs = new Configurations("./config.json");
Ioc::bindSingleton(Configurations::class, $configs);

Although this is possible, it should be avoided. On the one hand, the creation of the instances should be left to the container, on the other hand this triggers the autoloader and executes code that may never be needed.

More resolve control

For non singleton instances you can specifiy constructor arguments during the resolve phase:

class Product
    public function __construct(string $sku) {
Ioc::bindMultiple(Product::class, Product::class);
Ioc::get(Product::class, ["sku" => "Product 001"];
Ioc::get(Product::class, ["sku" => "Product 002"];

Check if binding exists

To check if a binding exists, you can use the has method:

$exists = Ioc::has(Configurations::class);

Multiple Containers

If you have the rare case where you need more than one container, here we are.

The static methods of Ioc::bindSingleton(...), Ioc::bindMultiple(...) and Ioc::get(...) are suggar forms of


where Ioc::$default is the default container. This way you can have separated multiple containers:

$containerA = new Ioc();
$containerB = new Ioc();



I'm sure you get it :)