
Package to use Lydia payment way with Laravel

v2.0.5 2022-05-11 15:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-11 20:29:54 UTC


Lydia is an online-payment solution. This package presents an implementation of this tool in an Object-Oriented view. This package is an overlay for Laravel. For any Lydia internal specification, please check the Lydia package documentation.


This package works since Laravel 7.x. Please refer to the next table to check whether your PHP version is compatible with this package.

Package version Laravel version
1.x 7.x, 8.x


You can install the package with composer executing:

composer require pythagus/laravel-lydia


This is the features included with this package:


You can execute the following command to generate the config/lydia.php config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lydia-config

The generated config file searchs in the .env file the following arguments:


Lydia Facade

The Pythagus/Lydia/Lydia file overrides the basic Lydia facade to be more Laravel-friendly. If you want to change some things in this file, just extend this file and add in your AppServiceProvider.register() method:

use Pythagus\LaravelLydia\Lydia as OldLydia;

OldLydia::setInstance(new YourLydia()) ;

This facade uses a $savePaymentCallback attribute that should be set if you want your application fully working. This callable takes an argument (array) that should be saved in your database. This package is provided with a default model:

PaymentLydia model

The Pythagus/LaravelLydia/Models/PaymentLydia model is a Lydia's data possible representation. You can extend this class to custom it, or don't use it at all.

CreatePaymentLydiaTable migration

The package is also provided with a default migration implementing the main Lydia's data. Please, check the provided migration file.

Error handling

This package is provided with a custom logger allowing you to have a list of the handled Lydia's exceptions. When an exception is raised, It will be added into a log file in storage/logs/lydia/log-file.log.

Before Laravel 8.x

In your App/Exceptions/Handler.php, add the following lines:

use Pythagus\LaravelLydia\Log\LydiaLog;
use Pythagus\Lydia\Contracts\LydiaException;

public function render($request, Throwable $throwable) {
     if($throwable instanceof LydiaException) {
          LydiaLog::report($throwable) ;

          return redirect()->back()->withInput()->withErrors($throwable->getMessage()) ;

Note : this only is an example of what you can do when a LydiaException is raised. You can do whatever you want regarding your application's expected behaviour.

Since Laravel 8.x

In your App/Exceptions/Handler.php, add the following lines:

use Pythagus\LaravelLydia\Log\LydiaLog;

public function register() {
     $this->reportable(LydiaLog::reportableClosure()) ;

You can grapically manage a LydiaException using $this->renderable(). Please, check the Laravel error handling.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
