
Provides the tools and logic to build a modern and modular frontend application for the PyroCMS admin control panel

Installs: 162

Dependents: 1

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


dev-master / 1.1.x-dev 2020-12-05 13:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-14 18:39:22 UTC


This package provides the tools and logic to build a modular frontend application for the PyroCMS admin control panel.

This package does not provide a frontend application. This package does not change anything PyroCMS is doing


  • Create modular javascript for addons (which are already modular).
  • Addons can enable javascript module(s) at any given point.
  • Uses yarn workspaces (provides yarn with somewhat similar functionality as the composer-merge-plugin does with composer)
  • Utilizes the (great) things webpack provides
    • Tree shaking
    • Dynamic imports (async loading)
    • HOT reloading

Basic Example

  1. Lets pretend to have a module addons/shared/pyro/core-module that contains

    • lib/index.js

      export class Application {
          static getInstance(){return new Application()}
      export class ServiceProvider {
          app = Application.getInstance()
      export class CoreModuleServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
    • lib/__variables.scss

      @use "~bootstrap/scss/variables" with (
          $text-color: blue;
      $core-variable-one: #333 !default;
      $core-variable-two: darken($core-variable-one, 5) !default;
    • src/CoreModuleServiceProvider.php

      class CoreModuleServiceProvider extends \Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Addon\AddonServiceProvider {
          public function boot(Webpack $webpack){
  2. Lets pretend to have another module addons/shared/pyro/foo-module that contains

    • lib/index.js

      import './style.scss';
      import {ServiceProvider} from '@pyro/core-module'
      export function logWithPrefix(string){
          console.log('prefix', string)
      export class FooService {
              logWithPrefix('FooService hello')
      export class FooModuleServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
              logWithPrefix('registered FooModuleServiceProvider')
    'foo.service', FooService);
    • lib/style.scss-

      @import "@pyro/core-module/lib/variables";
      .foo-module {
          &__item {
              color: $core-variable-one;
              &--disabled {
                  color: $core-variable-two;
    • src/FooModuleServiceProvider.php

      class FooModuleServiceProvider extends \Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Addon\AddonServiceProvider {
          public function boot(Webpack $webpack){
              $webpack->enableEntry('@pyro/foo-module'); // can obviously be called anywhere, like controllers actions, route-groups etc
  3. Lets pretend to have another module addons/shared/pyro/bar-module that contains

    • lib/index.js

      import {ServiceProvider} from '@pyro/core-module'
      import {FooService} from '@pyro/foo-module'; // can import from other modules
      export class BarModuleServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider{
              logWithPrefix('registered BarModuleServiceProvider')
              const fooService:FooService ='foo.service');
          async loadStyle(){
              return import('./style.scss')
    • lib/style.scss

      $core-variable-one: #999;
      @import "@pyro/core-module/lib/variables";
      .bar-module {
          &__item {
              color: $core-variable-one;
              &--disabled {
                  color: $core-variable-two;
    • src/BarModuleServiceProvider.php

      class BarModuleServiceProvider extends \Anomaly\Streams\Platform\Addon\AddonServiceProvider {
          public function boot(Webpack $webpack){
  4. Which we can combine and bootstrap in a view

    Like addons/shared/pyro/core-module/resources/view/frontend__application.twig And pretend we called ViewIncludes->include('cp_scripts', 'pyro.module.core::frontend__application') in CoreModuleServiceProvider::boot

    {% import "webpack::include_webpack" %}
        // The namespace is set in webpack.php config (or .env WEBPACK_NAMESPACE)
        var exported = window['$NAMESPACE$'];
        exported.providers; // array of ServiceProvider classes of enabled entries.
        var app = exported.pyro__core_module.Application.getInstance()
        // or
        var app = exported['@pyro/core-module'].Application.getInstance()
            var fooService = app.make('foo.service');
            // app.$mount() ???
            // app.render() ???
            // implement it yourself

5Run yarn serve, yarn build:dev or yarn build:prod

**`yarn serve`** Will start a webpack-dev-server. `Pyro\Webpack` is aware of this will render the webpack-dev-server asset paths.
This will enable HOT Reloading on the scss files we defined. (Vue or React can easily be added with HMR aswell, and is explained further onwards)

**`yarn build:prod`** Will create production assets and place them by default in the `public/assets` (configurable). Again `Pyro\Webpack` is aware of this and will render the production asset paths.


  1. composer.json

     "pyro/webpack": "^1.0"
  2. app.php

  3. .env

  4. package.json

        "workspaces": {
            "packages": [
        "scripts": {
            "build:dev": "NODE_ENV=development webpack --config webpack.config.js",
            "build:prod": "rm -rf public/assets && NODE_ENV=production webpack --production --config webpack.config.js",
            "serve": "NODE_ENV=development webpack-dev-server --inline --hot --config webpack.config.js"
        "dependencies": {
            "@pyro/webpack": "^1.0.0",
            "@radic/webpacker": "^7.2.0",
            "webpack": "^4.40.2",
            "webpack-cli": "^3.3.8",
            "webpack-dev-server": "^3.8.0"
  5. webpack.config.js

    import { PyroBuilder } from '@pyro/webpack';
    const builder = new PyroBuilder({
        globs    : [
        rootPath : __dirname
    const { wp, env, addons } = builder.init();
    // any custom logic
    const config = wp.toConfig();
    export default config;
  6. Create a view like shown at Basic Example > 4: Create a view to..

Add a addon to the builder

In order to get a addon included in the builder, a few additional steps are required.

  1. Ensure the addon has a package.json (next to the composer.json file)
  2. It's recommended to set the name field in package.json the same as in composer.json, but prefixed with an @.
  3. Ensure package.json has a the version field, preferably 1.0.0. This version should not be changed.
  4. Add the pyro configuration. Check the example below

Example of a valid package.json:

    "name": "@pyro/foo-module",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "scripts": {},
    "main": "lib/index.js",
    "typings": "lib/index.js",
    "types": "lib/index.js",
    "pyro": {
        "srcPath": "lib",
        "entrypoints": [
            {"path": "index.js", "provider": "FooModuleServiceProvider"}
    "dependencies": {
        "@pyro/core-module": "^1.0.0",
        "bootstrap": "^4.3.1",
        "element-ui": "^2.12.0",
        "font-awesome": "^4.7.0",
        "vue-clickaway": "^2.2.2"
    "devDependencies": {}

PHP Pyro\Webpack

enableEntry($name, $suffix = null)

JS @pyro/webpack

  • webpack-chain Provides the chaining webpack configurator API to generate and simplify the modification of webpack
  • @radic/webpacker Extends the chaining API with various useful features. Additionally it also provides a whole range of pre-configured, but reconfigurable presets. This aims to make your webpack config small and to the point.
  • @pyro/webpack Provides PyroBuilder to setup webpack. It locates all PyroCMS javascript addon modules and adds them correctly to the webpack configuration.
import { PyroBuilder } from '@pyro/webpack';

const builder = new PyroBuilder({
    globs    : [
    rootPath : __dirname

// init()
// 1: will find and register all found addons
// 2: setup webpack configuration, including addons
// 3: returns the Webpacker (webpack-chain) and addon instances array
const { wp, env, addons } = builder.init();

// At this point you can use 'wp' (Webpacker/webpack-chain) to add or alter any configuration made

// change the output dir?

// add postcss loader before sass loader in the sass loader use array?
        preserve  : true,
        whitespace: false

// modify module rule options?
wp.module.rule('babel').use('babel-loader').tap(options => {
    return options

// Webpacker also comes with some extra features.
// Example: to use @import "~accelerant-theme/.." in SCSS instead of relative paths.
wp.ensureLink(path('core/pyrocms/accelerant-theme'), path('node_modules/accelerant-theme'));

// At the end of the script transform into a webpack configuration object and export it
const config = wp.toConfig();

export default config;