
2.0.8 2018-08-17 14:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-28 09:52:46 UTC




Lapse provides a beautiful dashboard to track your errors in production without having to look up log file. Moreover it can notify you via Slack channel and Email alert. And moreover it can notify you via all of the channels from

Lapse behind the scence depend on It means theoretically Lapses can notify your error via over 30 ways including Slack, Email, Nexmo, Trello, Telegram, Facebook, Discord, Pusher, Twillo, Twitte. But I haven't test agaisnt all of the channels, If you find a bug, please submit an issue. If you want to know more, please kindly check the link.

For old version please see documentation at

Upgrade Guide

If you are upgrading from version 1.

Please delete config/lapse.php file first.


Install Via Composer

$ composer require pyaesone17/lapse

Publish vendor

$ php artisan vendor:publish

Add slack hook url in config/lapse.php and define channels ( )

    'channels' => [
        'slack' => '',
        'mail' => ''
    // Currently two notification channels supported
    // Those are slack and email
    // But you can use all of the notifications from
    // See the custom channel of my read me file to explore how to integrate
    'via' => ['slack']
$ php artisan vendor:publish

Migrate lapses table

php artisan migrate


after that register In the report method of App\Exceptions\Handler like this.

    use Pyaesone17\Lapse\ErrorNotifiable;
    class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
        use ErrorNotifiable;
        public function report(Exception $exception)
            if( app()->environment()!='local' ){ // Remove this line if you want lapse to notify in local environment

Laravel Lapse's dashboard is inspired by Laravel Horizon. Just like Horizon you can configure authentication to Lapse's dashboard. Add the following to the boot method of your AppServiceProvider. Here you could also check role permision and limit the dasboard.

    \Pyaesone17\Lapse\Lapse::auth(function($request) {
        // return true / false . For e.g.
        return \Auth::check();

To view the dashboard point your browser to /lapse of your app. For e.g. But the app is in local environment, lapse will not even attend to validate auth, It will display it all.

To delete all lapse message via cli , please run

$ php artisan clear:lapse

Custom Notification Channel

you can use all notifications from to integrate with lapse

For example, Telegram

install channel via composer

    $ composer require laravel-notification-channels/telegram

configure the config/lapse.php first

    use NotificationChannels\Telegram\TelegramChannel;
    'channels' => [
        'slack' => '',
        'telegram' => 'tele_gram_user_id', //optional
    // Currently two notification channels is supported built in
    // Those are slack and email
    'via' => ['slack', TelegramChannel::class]

register telegram provider

// config/app.php
'providers' => [

Set credentials

    // config/services.php
    'telegram-bot-api' => [
        'token' => env('TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN', 'YOUR BOT TOKEN HERE')

Add the formatter for notificaiton

    use NotificationChannels\Telegram\TelegramMessage;
    use Pyaesone17\Lapse\ErrorNotifiable;
    class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
        use ErrorNotifiable;
        public function report(Exception $exception)
            if( app()->environment()!='local' ){ // Remove this line if you want lapse to notify in local environment
                $this->sendNotification($exception, $this->getFormatters());

        protected function getFormatters()
            $formatters = array(
                'toTelegram' => function($notifiable) {
                    return TelegramMessage::create()
                    ->content("*HELLO!* \n One of your invoices has been paid!");

            return $formatters;

New Feature

If you want new feature, feel free to submit as an issue


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.