
Bundle to create and manage multiples quiz

dev-master 2016-12-02 11:37 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-23 15:38:56 UTC


This bundle aims to create and manage multiple quiz.


  • Create many quiz at the time and makes only one active.
  • A quiz can have multiple categories. Each category have many pages and each page have many questions.
  • Each component can be confiured by simple parameters.
  • Clone existing quiz
  • A question can be conditionned by one or many other question's responses

Install QUIZBackBundle

1/ Add require to your composer.json and update:

"pxquiz/back-bundle" : "dev-master"

2/ Update your AppKernel.php:

new QUIZ\BackBundle\QUIZBackBundle()

3/ Update your assets :

php app/console assets:install

4/ Add the custom themes uder Twig in your config.yml :

    - 'QUIZBackBundle:Form:_parent_view_type-prototype.html.twig'
    - 'QUIZBackBundle:Form:_quiz_response_type-prototype.html.twig'

5/ Include the bundle routes in routing.yml:

  resource: "../../vendor/pxquiz/back-bundle/Controller/"
  type:     annotation
  prefix:   /

6/ Use a bundle wich extends QUIZBackBundle:

  public function getParent()
    return 'QUIZBackBundle';

7/ Update your database:

php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force 

8/ Type this route and follow the instructions: http://YOUR_HOST/quiz/

9/ In order to be able to configure your Quiz, use this pattern in config.yml :

        C01: Catéagorie 1
        C02: Catéagorie 2
        C03: Catéagorie 3
        0: Texte libre
        1: Radio
        2: Checkbox
        3: Combobox
      question_has_score : false
      question_has_condition: false
      question_has_help: false
      extra_response: false