
Voting system implementation for laravel. Quadratic voting approach.

v0.9.2 2023-03-16 04:05 UTC


Quadratic Voting Implementation library to Laravel.

What is Quadratic Voting? It is a voting system designed to measure not only preference but also the intensity of that preference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjbakxIvGFA


composer require punksolid/laravel-quadratic-voting

 //Add the Voter trait 
 use LaravelQuadraticVoting\Traits\VoterTrait;
 class User extends Authenticatable implements \LaravelQuadraticVoting\Interfaces\VoterInterface
     use VoterTrait;

Currently you need to add the isVotable trait to your model and specify the voter model on the laravel_quadratic.php config file


use LaravelQuadraticVoting\Traits\isVotable;

//for example
class Idea extends Model
    use isVotable;

Publish the laravel_quadratic.php config file

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="LaravelQuadraticVoting\LaravelQuadraticVotingServiceProvider"

Set the models on the config file. models.voter and models.is_votable may be the only models that you need to change.

return [
    'models' => [
        'voter' => Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User::class, //App\Models\User::class,
        'is_votable' => \LaravelQuadraticVoting\Models\Idea::class,
        'vote_credit' => LaravelQuadraticVoting\Models\VoteCredit::class,

    'table_names' => [
        'votes' => 'votes',
        'vote_credits' => 'vote_bag',

    'column_names' => [
        'voter_key' => 'voter_id',

Basic Usage

To vote on something you just need to

//get an isVotable Model
$idea = Idea::factory()->create();
$user->giveVoteCredits(14); //give credits to the voter
//to the voter model, add an isVotable model, and in the second argument
//the number of the credits, it will process the credits to votes.
$user->voteOn($idea, $vote_credits = 14); // This will set 3 votes to the idea 1 + 4 + 9 = 14

$user->downVote($idea); // This will set -1 vote to the idea and give you the credits back

Methods available on voter

    //ask if it has enough credits to spend
    $voter->hasCredits($wanna_spend) //boolean
    //adds 100 credits to a voter
    //Return vote credits available
    //Give voters and assign equally/massively credits
    VoterModel::massiveVoteCredits($voter_collection, $credits);
    VoterModel::massiveVoteReset($voter_collection); // All in 0 credits
    //You should not spend credits without voting, but in case you need
    //decrease the available credits to the user
    $voter->spendCredits($credits); //int

    // Get Next Vote Cost will return the credits to score 1 vote to the idea considering the previous votes of that user
    $voter->getNextVoteCost( $idea);
    // Get the real votes registered of a user in an specific idea
    // Get all the votes emitted by a voter in all the ideas

On the Votable model object is

//gets all the votes

//Return a collection of all the voters