
This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

0.2.1 2016-08-10 14:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-07 19:52:26 UTC


Build Status


PHP 5.4

symfony/process: ~2.6.9


Download PhantomJS:

Install via Composer

composer require project-a/phantom-pdf

Basic Usage


use PhantomPdf/PdfGenerator;

$pdfGenerator = new PdfGenerator('/path/to/phantomjs-binary');

$htmlString = '<h1>Test Pdf</h1>';
$targetPath = '/path/to/target-file';

$pdfGenerator->renderFileFromHtml($htmlString, $targetPath);

Note: Right now it is only possible to build Pdf-Files from raw html-strings!

Advanced Usage

Page options:


use PhantomPdf/PdfGenerator;

$pdfGenerator = new PdfGenerator('/path/to/phantomjs-binary');

$options = new Options();

// Set margin (by default all widths are in cm)
$options->setMargin(15, 'mm');

// Set orientation
// or

// Set Format

$pdfGenerator->renderFileFromHtml($htmlString, $targetPath, $options);

Header & Footer


// Create a Header that appears on every page.

// Create a Footer for every page. 
$options->setFooterContent('<div>#pageNum / #totalPages</div>');

// Use custom Placeholder for PageNumber and TotalPageCount