
PHP lib to interact with our internal issue/helpdesk tool.

dev-master 2018-02-01 19:17 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-12 04:24:41 UTC


PHP lib to interact with our internal issue/helpdesk tool.


Add it to your dependencies:

composer require procergs/usd-php

Code example:


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use PROCERGS\USD\UsdService;
use PROCERGS\USD\Model\Issue;
use PROCERGS\USD\Model\IssueBuilder;
use PROCERGS\USD\Model\EndUser;

$systemCode = 999999; // Your system's user code
$pass = "your system's user password";

$config = [
    'defaultPhoneCountry' => 'BR', // or another default country code
    'newIssueEndpoint' => 'https://endpoit.used.for.issue.creation',
    'getIssueEndpoint' => 'https://endpoit.used.for.getting.issues',

$http = new Client([
    'headers' => [
        'matricula' => $systemCode,
        'organizacao' => $org,
        'senha' => $pass,

$usd = new UsdService($http, $config);

$endUser = new EndUser('John Doe', '', 'john.doe');

$builder = (new IssueBuilder())
    ->setTitle('Server unresponsive')
    ->setDescription("I'm unable to ping the TEST server. There is no route to it.")
    ->setOrganization('My Company')
    ->setSymptom('Server unresponsive');

$issue = $usd->createIssue(new Issue($builder));
// the issue is now persisted on the backend, so it'll have and ID
$issueId = $issue->getId();

// let's fetch it again to test the GET operation
$fetched = $usd->getIssue($issueId);