
The PHP SDK to access API services at

1.0.2 2020-06-06 05:13 UTC


This is the PHP SDK to consume API services from You can require this package using composer or you can download the ZIP file from here to include in your project.


composer require proapis/proapis-client

Getting Started

Get your API key at first. And then include the autoload file in your project:

require "vendor/autoload.php";

Google SERPs (Docs)

use Proapis\Services\GoogleSerps;

// Set your API key
$apiKey = "######################";

// Create instance
$gs = new GoogleSerps($ApiKey);

// Get data
$params = [
    "q" => "Your search query",
    "pages" => 10,
    "hl" => "en_US",
    "gl" => "us",
    "ua" => "desktop"
$data = $gs->getData($params);

Google Play (Docs)

use Proapis\Services\GooglePlay;

// Set your API key
$apiKey = "######################";

// Create instance
$gp = new GooglePlay($ApiKey);

// Get data
$params = [
    "package" => "com.whatsapp"
$data = $gp->getData($params);

Keywords Data (Docs)

use Proapis\Services\Keywords;

// Set your API key
$apiKey = "######################";

// Create instance
$kp = new Keywords($ApiKey);

// Get data
$params = [
    "keyword" => "hiking shoes"
$data = $kp->getData($params);

Moz Data (Docs)

use Proapis\Services\Moz;

// Set your API key
$apiKey = "######################";

// Create instance
$moz = new Moz($ApiKey);

// Get data
$data = [
    "domains" => ["", "", ""]
$data = $moz->getData($data);

Catching Exceptions

The API client throws several exceptions based on the errors that encountered. Here is how to catch the exceptions and act appropriately:

use Proapis\Services\GoogleSerps;
use Proapis\Exceptions\ApikeyException;
use Proapis\Exceptions\CreditsException;
use Proapis\Exceptions\InvalidkeyException;
use Proapis\Exceptions\ServerException;
use Proapis\Exceptions\ValidationException;

// Set your API key
$apiKey = "######################";

// Create instance
$gs = new GoogleSerps($ApiKey);

// Get data
$params = [
    "q" => "Your search query",
    "pages" => 10,
    "hl" => "en_US",
    "gl" => "us",
    "ua" => "desktop"

    $data = $gs->getData($params);
} catch(ApikeyException $e) 
    // API key not provided
} catch(CreditsException $e)
    // Credits exhausted. Buy more at
} catch(InvalidkeyException $e)
    // API key is invalid
} catch(ServerException $e)
    // Our servers are down. Maybe for maintenance
} catch(ValidationException $e)
    // Validation errors occured

Issues & Bugs

For common bug reports, please use the issues. For security-related issues, contact us at