Brute force enforcement and monitoring.

v1.0.0-alpha.1 2020-05-27 22:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 07:14:21 UTC


Prion Brute monitors and enforces brute force attempts.

Tested on Lumen 7


composer require "prion-development/brute:5.6.*"

In config/app.php, add the following provider: PrionDevelopment\Providers\BruteProviderService::class

Automated Setup

Run the following command for automated setup. php artisan prionbrute:setup

Clear or reset your Laravel config cache. php artisan config:clear php artisan config:cache


Prion Brute is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Check for Lock

Check and see if $key is blocked: Brute::isLocked($key);

Unlock $key: Brute::unlock($key);

Lock $key: This will only lock a key if the number of attempts is great than or equal to the maximum. Brute::lock($key);

Force a lock on $key: Brute::lock($key, true);

Manage Attempts

To add an attempt: If the number of tries matches or is greater than the max number of tries, we will block $key. Brute::attempt($key);

Attempts on $key: Brute::attempts($key);

Remove an attempt on $key: Brute::removeAttempt($key)

Remove "x" attempts on $key: Brute::removeAttempt($key, x)

Maximum number of attempts on $key: Brute::max($key);

Remove all attempts and blocks on a key Brute::clear($key);

How Brute works

You can push a string into brute as an "attempt". An attempt records a UTC timestamp in the default cache database using a unique key. When the number of attempts is greater than the set limit, the key is locked.

We automatically expire attempts if the timestamp is outside of the expiration config.

Running Tests

  1. Make sure composer packages are installed (composer update)
  2. vendor/bin/phpunit

Check for Lock