
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A Database-Agnostic set of Abstractions built on top of PDO

0.0.3 2014-07-21 22:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2018-12-14 20:51:16 UTC


This library provides a simplified interface to common PDO idioms. This is not a SQL generation tool, actually it's expected from you to provide..

  • the sql query string
  • query parameters



    "require": {
        "prelude/prelude-database": "*"

See packagist for detailed information.


PDO provides a nice API for accesing database in a standard way, but the connection part is still handled using strings; and those are vendor-specific.

Dsn provide a simple standard to handle such differences by providing a consistent API to read the configuration, and then giving you the connected PDO object.

It simply stays out of your way while integrating nice with others.

Reading Configuration

# read from url
$dsn = DsnParser::parseUrl('pgsql://user:pass@host:port/database');
# .. or from the enviroment
$dsn = DsnParser::parseEnv('DATABASE_URL');
# .. or from file
$dsn = DsnParser::parseFile('path/to/config/db.php'); // support reading urls or arrays

# .. which under the hood all it does is:
$dsn = new Dsn([
    'driver' => Dsn::MYSQL,
      'host' => 'locahost',
    'dbName' => 'app-db'

Database connection

To open a connection to the database just call $dsn->connect(). It will return a PDO instance.

$pdo = $dsn->connect();
// .. which actually does
$pdo = new PDO($dsn->toString(), $dsn->user, $dsn->pass);

Optionally you can pass an array of drivers parameters for PDO.

// with parameters:
$pdo = $dsn->connect([

Query Builder

A fluent interface to constructing Query instances.

The query builder handles the inner and gotchas of working with prepared statements. It requires that you provide the full sql-query string and, in return, it will provide you the PDOStatement fully configured, ready to execute or to fetch the results.

$builder = new QueryBuilder($pdo);
$builder->setQuery('SELECT * FROM FizzBuzz where :foo > ? and :bar == :baz')
        ->setParam('foo', $foo)
        ->setParam(0, $p0)
        ->setParams(['bar' => $bar,
                     'baz' => $baz])

try {
    // execute() returns a PDOStatement -- or throws
    foreach ($builder->execute() as $row) {
        // $row instanceof FizzBuzz;
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
    var_dump($e); // execute() failed

// Need fine tune? just access the internal PDO instance!
$pdoStmt = $builder->getStatement();

Sql Query

$builder->setQuery('SELECT * FROM table');
echo $builder->getQuery(); // outputs " SELECT *... "

Params and Arguments

$builder->setQuery('SELECT * FROM table WHERE :foo > ?');

$builder->setParam('foo', $foo); // sets the `:foo` param
$builder->setParam(0, $zero);    // sets the first `?` argument

// or simply pass them all
$builder->setParams([$zero, 'foo' => $foo]);

// need the values back?

// want to clear them?

The are some gotchas when binding values to PDOStatements (like binding falsy values). The QueryBuilder will delay handling these until it's required to build the real query; thus your value remain unmodified during building process. You should not need to take special care of these edge-cases, and bind safely the values

Fetch Modes

The QueryBuilder provides a simpler approach to fetch:

  • fetchObject([string $class = null [, array $ctoArgs = null]]) fetch the result as an object. Additionally you can pass the class name, and it's constructor arguments.
  • fetchArray(void) fetch the result as an associative array
  • fetchList(void) fetch the result as an 0-index positional array
  • fetchScalar(int|string $column = 0) fetch the scalar value of the given column

Need fine tune? setFetchMode(int $mode[, $arg1[, $arg2, ...]]) Where $mode is one of the \PDO::FETCH_* contants.


    // --> each record will be a `StdObject`
    $builder->fetchObject(User::CLASS, [$foo, $bar])
    // --> will call new User($foo, $bar) for each result

    $mode = $builder->getFetchStyle(); // \PDO::FETCH_CLASS;

Query(PDOStatement $stmt[, array $params])

The Query acts as a small wrapper to enhance PDOStatement You will probably not need to interact with these instances directly, except cases that requires fine-tune control -- like running multiple times the same query.

Although the library's idea is to construct Query instances using the QueryBuilder::build, nothing prevents you from manually creating instances as required. Its API was designed to play nice with others.

This class provides very basic functionality:

  • bindParam(array $param, $value) to bind a parameter to the internal PDOStatement
  • bindParams(array $params) to bind a group of parameters
  • execute([array $params = null]) optionally bind the parameters, and the execute the PDOStatement
$query = new Query(
    $pdo->prepare('INSERT INTO pos(x, y) VALUES(:x, :y)')

$query->execute(['x' => 0, 'y' => 0]);
$query->execute(['x' => 1, 'y' => 1]);
$query->execute(['x' => 1, 'y' => 2]);
$query->execute(['x' => 9, 'y' => 9]);

Fetching records

A central design idea of this library is to stay lean, that's why Query::execute will return the PDOStatment for you to decide how to fetch the records.

Want to fetch the results as a on-demand, lazy, efficient iterator? Prelude\Iterators\Records will to that trick.


Please give it a try, and let me know!