
Provide a list of commands to create the laravel package, similar to artisan commands.

v1.0.2 2023-02-16 13:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-16 16:26:14 UTC


Provide a list of commands to create the laravel package, similar to artisan commands.


composer require pragnesh/laravel-package-helper --dev

Available Commands

List all Commands:


Install Config:

./vendor/bin/larapack config:install

Description: will create config/larapack.php file update package-namespace variable as per your package namespace


./vendor/bin/larapack make:provider NAME
  name                  The name of the provider class


./vendor/bin/larapack make:model NAME
  name                  The name of the model class

  -a, --all             Generate a migration, seeder, factory, policy, resource controller, and form request classes for the model
  -c, --controller      Create a new controller for the model
  -f, --factory         Create a new factory for the model
  -m, --migration       Create a new migration file for the model
      --morph-pivot     Indicates if the generated model should be a custom polymorphic intermediate table model
      --policy          Create a new policy for the model
  -s, --seed            Create a new seeder for the model
  -p, --pivot           Indicates if the generated model should be a custom intermediate table model
  -r, --resource        Indicates if the generated controller should be a resource controller
      --api             Indicates if the generated controller should be an API resource controller
  -R, --requests        Create new form request classes and use them in the resource controller


./vendor/bin/larapack make:controller NAME
  name                  The name of the controller class

      --api             Exclude the create and edit methods from the controller.
  -i, --invokable       Generate a single method, invokable controller class.
  -m, --model[=MODEL]   Generate a resource controller for the given model.
  -r, --resource        Generate a resource controller class.
  -R, --requests        Generate FormRequest classes for store and update.