
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A lightweight unit testing framework for PHP

0.4.1 2017-05-01 16:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-06-12 09:58:21 UTC


A lightweight testing framework for PHP 5.6 and later

Kase is an attempt to create a testing framework for PHP with 2 general aims:

  1. Be as lightweight as possible while remaining practical
  2. Expose pluggable modules for customization to fit individual needs without materializing as a sea of abstractions and indirection for source-diving devs to wade through.

Kase takes design inspiration from the Tape Javascript testing framework:

  • Tests defined as simple callbacks with no shared state between test cases
  • Test suite and test case descriptions given as explicit strings rather than relying on test case class/function naming conventions


composer require --dev pr0ggy/kase

Creating a New Kase Test Suite Boilerplate File

./vendor/bin/kase create-suite [-d|--test-dir <test directory, default: /PROJECT/ROOT/tests>]
                               [--namespace <test file namespace>
                               <test file name, relative to test directory>

Running Kase

./vendor/bin/kase run [-c|--config <config file>]
                      [-d|--test-dir <test directory, default: ./>]
                      [-f|--file-pattern <test file pattern, default: '*.test.php'>]

Example Config File

Kase can utilize a user-defined config file to customize testing resources if desired. An example config file can be found in the example folder with explanations of options.

Example Kase Test Suite

Note that a more realistic example can be found in the examples folder


namespace Acme;

use function Kase\runner;
use function Kase\test;
use function Kase\skip;
use function Kase\only;
// Kase includes the Kanta assertion library, but feel free to use any exception-based library
use Kanta\Validation as v;

return runner( 'Demo Test Suite',

    test('Test 1 Description', function () {
             'that' => 'te'.'st',
             'satisfies' => v\is('test'),
             'orFailBecause' => 'string concat failed to produce "test"'

    skip('Test 2 Description', function () {
        // Test is marked as skipped, so no failure will be recorded even though the test fails explicitly
  	    v\fail('This test was failed explicitly');

    only('Test 3 Description', function () {
    	  // This will be the only test that runs in this suite as the use of 'only' isolates it
           'that' => true,
           'satisfies' => v\is(true),
           'orFailBecause' => "true isn't true.......hmm......."


Test Suite / Test Case API

function Kase\runner($suiteDescription, ...$suiteTests)

The main test runner generation function which takes a test suite name and 1 or more test cases to execute. The test suite for the given tests is returned as a callable for execution, as in the example above.

function Kase\test($description, callable $testDefinition)

Creates a test case with a given description and executable definition which will run in sequence. Test definitions are given as callbacks with a single parameter: a validator object to use for assertions within the test case.

function Kase\skip($description, callable $testDefinition)

Creates a standard test case which will be skipped when the suite is executed.

function Kase\only($description, callable $testDefinition)

Creates a test case which will run in isolation (ie. all other test cases will be skipped). Only one test per suite may be run in isolation at a given time or an error will be thrown.


Kase includes the Kanta assertion library, but feel free to use any exception-based validation/assertion library you like.

Testing Kase

