
0.8.1 2022-11-16 16:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-16 21:05:24 UTC


Quicksearch widget implementation


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.


php composer.phar require pozitronik/yii2-searchwidget "dev-master"

or add

"pozitronik/yii2-searchwidget": "dev-master"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Yii2, PHP >= 8.0


There are two ways for widget configuration. Preferred way is to configure it as a component, like:

'components' => [
    'searchWidget' => [
        'class' => SearchWidget::class,
        'models' => [
            'Users' => [
                'class' => Users::class

Alternatively, you can pass configuration to widget itself:

        'models' => [
            'Users' => [
                'class' => Users::class

Configuration parameters

  • class: the component class, it always must be SearchWidget::class.
  • ajaxEndpoint: the endpoint URL for all searches requests. It must be handled by SearchAction::class. Value by default is '/site/search'.
  • models: the list of ActiveRecord models, which to search in. Every item key must contain arbitrary but unique model alias, like:
'components' => [
    'searchWidget' => [
        'class' => SearchWidget::class,
        'models' => [
            'Model1Alias' => [
                'class' => Model1::class
            'Model2Alias' => [
                'class' => Model2::class

Searches for each model can be configured in there:

  • class: (string) the model class name.
  • ajaxEndpoint: the endpoint URL for current model searches requests. It overrides similar global option, but not set by default.
  • method: (string) if the model implements it own search method, its name can be specified here. See [Search method](#Search method) section for details. By default, model will be threatened as ActiveRecord and standard SQL-searches will be used.
  • template: (string) the search result raw template code. Ignored by default. If set, it has higher priority to templateView parameter. See also [Search result templates](#Search result templates) section.
  • templateView (string) the path to search result template view. If not set, then default template view will be used.
  • header: (string) the header for model search results list.
  • limit (null|int) the limit for search results, set null to disable limitations. Default value is 5.
  • attributes: (string[]) the list of model attributes names to search in them. Each attribute can be specified in two methods: just by attribute string name, or as array, where the first item is the attribute name, and the second item is attribute search type. Supported search types are:
  • SearchWidget::SEARCH_TYPE_EQUAL: attribute value must be equal to search term.
  • SearchWidget::SEARCH_TYPE_LIKE: attribute value must contain the search term.
  • SearchWidget::SEARCH_TYPE_LIKE_BEGINNING: attribute value must begins with the search term.
  • SearchWidget::SEARCH_TYPE_LIKE_ENDING: attribute value must ends to search term.

All search types are case-insensitive.

Next, some configuration example is given:

'components' => [
    'searchWidget' => [
        'class' => SearchWidget::class,
        'ajaxEndpoint' => '/site/search',
        'models' => [
            'Users' => [
                'class' => Users::class,
                'template' => '<div class="suggestion-item"><div class="suggestion-name">{{name}}</div><div class="clearfix"></div><div class="suggestion-secondary">{{controller}}</div><div class="suggestion-links"><a href="'.Url::to('users/edit').'?id={{id}}" class="dashboard-button btn btn-xs btn-info pull-left">Edit<a/></div><div class="clearfix"></div></div>',
                'header' => 'Users',
                'limit' => 3,
                'attributes' => [
                    ['email', SearchWidget::SEARCH_TYPE_LIKE_BEGINNING]
            'Products' => [
                'class' => Products::class,
                'ajaxEndpoint' => '/products/search',
                'templateView' => '@app/views/products/search-template'
                'header' => 'Products',
                'limit' => null,
                'attributes' => [
                     ['code', SearchWidget::SEARCH_TYPE_EQUAL]

Adding alternative configuration

If you want to create widgets, which implementing different searches, you can configure them as separate components:

'components' => [
    'usersSearchWidget' => [
        'class' => SearchWidget::class,
        'models' => [
            'Users' => [
                'class' => Users::class,
    'productsSearchWidget' => [
        'class' => SearchWidget::class,
        'models' => [
            'Products' => [
                'class' => Products::class,

Then you need to pass component name to each widget:

    SearchWidget::widget(['componentName' => 'usersSearchWidget']);//search only in users
    SearchWidget::widget(['componentName' => 'productsSearchWidget']);//search only in products

Alternatively, you can pass configuration to widget itself, as described in [Configuration] section.

Search method


Search result templates

