
A client for the Salesforce SOAP API

2.0.3 2023-09-04 07:45 UTC


Release CI Packagist


This library is a client for the Salesforce SOAP API, and intended as a replacement for the Force.com Tookit for PHP.


This library’s features include the following.

  • Automatic conversion between PHP and SOAP date and datetime objects.
  • Automatic conversion of Salesforce (UTC) times to your local timezone.
  • Easily extensible through events: add custom logging, caching, error handling etc.
  • Iterating over large results sets that require multiple calls to the API is easy through the record iterator.
  • The BulkSaver helps you stay within your Salesforce API limits by using bulk creates, deletes, updates and upserts.
  • Use the client in conjunction with the Symfony Mapper Bundle to get even easier access to your Salesforce data.


composer require php-arsenal/salesforce-soap-client


The client

Use the client to query and manipulate your organisation’s Salesforce data. First construct a client using the builder:

$builder = new \PhpArsenal\SoapClient\ClientBuilder(

$client = $builder->build();

SOQL queries

$results = $client->query('select Name, SystemModstamp from Account limit 5');

This will fetch five accounts from Salesforce and return them as a RecordIterator. You can now iterate over the results. The account’s SystemModstamp is returned as a \DateTime object:

foreach ($results as $account) {
    echo 'Last modified: ' . $account->SystemModstamp->format('Y-m-d H:i:') . "\n";

One-to-many relations (subqueries)

Results from subqueries are themselves returned as record iterators. So:

$accounts = $client->query(
    'select Id, (select Id, Name from Contacts) from Account limit 10'

foreach ($accounts as $account) {
    if (isset($account->Contacts)) {
        foreach ($account->Contacts as $contact) {
            echo sprintf("Contact %s has name %s\n", $contact->Id, $contact->Name);

Fetching large numbers of records

If you issue a query that returns over 2000 records, only the first 2000 records will be returned by the Salesforce API. Using the queryLocator, you can then fetch the following results in batches of 2000. The record iterator does this automatically for you:

$accounts = $client->query('Select Name from Account');
echo $accounts->count() . ' accounts returned';
foreach ($accounts as $account) {
    // This will iterate over the 2000 first accounts, then fetch the next 2000
    // and iterate over these, etc. In the end, all your organisations’s accounts
    // will be iterated over.


To enable logging for the client, call withLog() on the builder. For instance when using Monolog:

$log = new \Monolog\Logger('name');  
$log->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('path/to/your.log'));

$builder = new \PhpArsenal\SoapClient\ClientBuilder(
$client = $builder->withLog($log)

All requests to the Salesforce API, as well as the responses and any errors that it returns, will now be logged.