postcode-nl/api-magento2-module International Address API module for Magento 2. Adds autocompletion for addresses in multiple countries using official postal data.

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3.2.0 2023-12-06 09:57 UTC


International Address API module for Magento 2

Adds autocompletion for addresses to the checkout page. Multiple countries are supported using official postal data via the API.

This module is maintained by since version 3.0.0. Earlier versions were developed by Flekto. account

A account is required. Testing is free. After testing you can choose to purchase a subscription.

Installation instructions

  1. Install this component using Composer:
$ composer require postcode-nl/api-magento2-module
  1. Upgrade, compile & clear cache:
$ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
$ php bin/magento setup:di:compile
$ php bin/magento cache:flush


International Address API

A single field for autocompletion:

To allow users to skip the autocomplete field and manually enter an address, there's an option to add a link to manual address entry:

Dutch Postcode API

Get a Dutch address by postcode and house number. In this example asking the user to select from valid house number additions:

A formatted address is shown when the postcode and house number combination is valid (this is the default output option):

Other output options are:

  • Hide address fields until postcode and house number combination is valid.
  • Disable address fields until postcode and house number combination is valid.
  • No change; address fields remain visible and editable.


Although we can't guarantee compatibility with other checkout modules, our module works well with most one-step-checkout modules. If you are having issues and think this may be caused by our module, please contact and tell us which other module(s) and version(s) are used.

If you found the solution already and have some code to contribute, feel free to open a pull request in this repository. configuration instructions

  1. Go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> Address API
    1. 'Change address fields position' to 'no'
  2. Go to Stores -> Configuration -> Sales -> OneStepCheckout
    1. The following fields need to be enabled for the billing and shipping fields:
      1. street.0
      2. postcode
      3. city
      4. region
    2. Add the following fields to the billing and shipping fields:
      1. address_autofill_nl.postcode
      2. address_autofill_nl.house_number
      3. address_autofill_nl.house_number_select
      4. address_autofill_intl
      5. address_autofill_formatted_output
    3. Optional: you may need to apply some custom CSS to display the fields correctly. You may set the region field to hidden.

Address API documentation

You can find our API documentation at

FAQ and Knowledge Base


The code is available under the Simplified BSD License, see the included LICENSE file.