
Composite Price Calculator Bundle for Sylius Project.

0.1.0 2019-03-19 04:31 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-13 09:22:17 UTC


This bundle allows you to use multiples price calculators on chain by replacing the default calculator for a composite calculator.


  1. Require plugin with composer:

    composer require positibe/sylius-composite-price-calculator-bundle
  2. Add plugin class to your AppKernel:

With Symfony Flex:

# config/bundles.php
return [
    Positibe\Sylius\CompositePriceCalculatorBundle\SyliusCompositePriceCalculatorBundle::class => ['all' => true]

Without Symfony Flex:

$bundles = [
   new \FOS\JsRoutingBundle\FOSJsRoutingBundle(),
   new \Sylius\AdminOrderCreationPlugin\SyliusAdminOrderCreationPlugin(),

How to use

Nota: The main advantage of this bundle is to provide a way to implement product variant price calculator on Sylius plugins without having conflict between them. We recommend do not use it if you don't really need it.

This bundle add a new entry to our $context passed on the calculate(ProductVariantInterface $productVariant, array $context): int method. Now we have a price where we have the last price before calling the current calculator.

The job of calculator now is add or modify the price given depend of the custom logic.

Here is a example of a fee calculator plugin:


namespace Positibe\Sylius\FeePlugin\Calculator;

use Positibe\Sylius\FeePlugin\Entity\FeeableInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPriceCalculatorInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\ProductVariantInterface;

class ProductVariantFeeablePriceCalculator implements ProductVariantPriceCalculatorInterface
    //... Some stuf to get services

     * @param ProductVariantInterface|FeeableInterface $productVariant
     * @param array $context
     * @return int
    public function calculate(ProductVariantInterface $productVariant, array $context): int
        $price = (int) $context['price'] ?? 0;
        $fees = $productVariant->getFees();
        foreach ($fees as $fee) {
            if ($fee->isIncludedInPrice()) {
                $price += $this->feeCalculator->calculate($context['price'], $fee);

        return (int) $price;

Default calculator

The Positibe\Sylius\CompositePriceCalculatorBundle\Calculator\CompositePriceCalculator overrides the default calculator sylius.calculator.product_variant_price and the alias Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPriceCalculatorInterface.

The default one now has the id Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPriceCalculator and has priority: 40, the higher priority the sooner is executed.

This bundle autoconfigure your services that implement Sylius\Component\Core\Calculator\ProductVariantPriceCalculatorInterface interface and inject the service on the chain.

Order matters

You can change the order of the chain calculator by providing a priority.

Causion: By default the priority is cero (`0`) so the order without priority is unpredictable.

Here yaml Positibe\Sylius\FeePlugin\Calculator\ProductVariantFeeablePriceCalculator: autoconfigure: false tags: - { name: 'sylius.price_calculator', priority: 10 }