pollen-solutions / filesystem
Pollen Solutions - Filesystem Component - Abstraction layer of file storage library Flysystem.
- php: ^7.4 || ^8.0
- league/flysystem: ^2.0
- pollen-solutions/http: ^1.0
- pollen-solutions/support: ^1.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
- roave/security-advisories: dev-latest
- league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3: Interacting with Aws S3 through Flysystem and Pollen Solutions Filesystem component.
- pollen-solutions/container: Pollen Solutions - Container Component - PSR-11 ready Dependencies Injection Container.
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 00:35:52 UTC
Pollen Solutions Filesystem Component is an abstraction layer of file storage library Flysystem.
composer require pollen-solutions/filesystem
Basic Usage
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManager; $storage = new StorageManager(); try { $listing = $storage->listContents('/'); /** @var \League\Flysystem\StorageAttributes $item */ foreach ($listing as $item) { $path = $item->path(); if ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\FileAttributes) { var_dump($path); } elseif ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\DirectoryAttributes) { var_dump($path); } } } catch (\League\Flysystem\FilesystemException $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); }
The API of the pollen solutions filesystem is identical to that of Flysystem which it inherits. More information on Flysystem online official documentation.
Storage Manager inherits the Filesystem instance's methods from its default disk and provides other methods to access other declared disk instances.
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ // Gets a filesystem instance provided by the storage manager from its name identifier. $storage->disk('my-own-disk'); // Writing files in default filesystem. try { $storage->write($path, $contents, $config); } catch (\League\Flysystem\FilesystemException | \League\Flysystem\UnableToWriteFile $exception) { // handle the error } // Reading files in default filesystem. try { $response = $storage->read($path); } catch (FilesystemException | UnableToReadFile $exception) { // handle the error } // And more ... // @see https://flysystem.thephpleague.com/v2/docs/usage/filesystem-api/
Sets a custom default filesystem
The default disk is created from public dir of the web application, it accessible via native PHP function getcwd. But the risk is that you could delete, overwrite ... files essential to the functioning of your application.
For this security convenients, it is preferable to config your own default fallback disk with better file permissions.
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $defaultDisk = $storage->createLocalFilesystem('/my/secured/fallback/directory/absolute_path'); $storage->setDefaultDisk($defaultDisk);
Register a local disk
From a local dir path
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $storage->registerLocalDisk('my-local-disk', '/my/local/directory/absolute_path');
With a custom local filesystem instance
use Pollen\Filesystem\LocalFilesystem; use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $filesystem = new LocalFilesystem($storage->createLocalAdapter('/my/local/directory/absolute_path')); $storage->addDisk('my-local-disk', $filesystem);
With a custom local filesystem instance and with custom adapter instance
More information about filesystem architecture on Flysystem online official documentation.
use Pollen\Filesystem\LocalFilesystemAdapter; use Pollen\Filesystem\LocalFilesystem; use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $adapter = new LocalFilesystemAdapter('/my/local/directory/absolute_path'); $filesystem = new LocalFilesystem($adapter); $storage->addDisk('my-local-disk', $localDisk);
Extended Local Filesystem API.
One of the main advantages of using Pollen Solutions Filesystem instead Flysystem, is that it is coupled with a system of HTTP request. This allows to extend the API of Flystem with some practical features.
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $disk = $storage->registerLocalDisk('my-local-disk', '/my/local/directory/absolute_path'); // Returns the HTTP response to download a file. $disk->downloadResponse('/sample.txt'); // Returns the HTTP binary file response to download a file. $disk->binaryFileResponse('/sample.txt'); // Returns the url of a file or a directory. $disk->getUrl('/sample.txt') // Gets the absolute path of a file or a directory. $disk->getAbsolutePath('/sample.txt'); // Gets the SplFileInfo instance of a file or a directory. $disk->getSplFileInfo('/sample.txt'); // Gets the storage file attributes of a file or a directory. $disk->getStorageAttributes('/sample.txt');
Local Image Filesystem
Pollen Solutions Filesystem provides a specific Filesystem and its adapter for the local image files.
Register a local image filesystem
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $filesystem = $storage->registerLocalImageDisk('my-image-disk', '/my/image/directory/absolute_path'));
Create a custom local image filesystem instance
use Pollen\Filesystem\LocalImageFilesystem; use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $filesystem = new LocalImageFilesystem($storage->createLocalAdapter('/my/image/directory/absolute_path')); $storage->addLocalDisk('my-image-disk', $filesystem);
Local Image Filesystem extended API
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $disk = $storage->registerLocalImageDisk('my-image-disk', '/my/image/directory/absolute_path')); // Gets the HTML render of an image file from its path. $disk->HtmlRender('/sample.jpg'); // Gets the image file url from its path. $disk->getImgSrc('/sample.jpg');
S3 Filesystem
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $disk = $storage->registerS3Disk( 's3-disk', [ 'version' => 'latest', 'region' => 'us-east-2', 'endpoint' => '{{ my-s3-endpoint }}', 'credentials' => [ 'key' => '{{ my-s3-user }}', 'secret' => '{{ my-s3-user-password }}', ] ], 'my-aws-s3-bucket-name' ); if ($disk = $storage->disk('s3-disk')) { try { $listing = $disk->listContents('/'; /** @var \League\Flysystem\StorageAttributes $item */ foreach ($listing as $item) { $path = $item->path(); if ($item instanceof FileAttributes) { var_dump($path); } elseif ($item instanceof DirectoryAttributes) { var_dump($path); } } } catch (FilesystemException $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } }
Advanced Usage
Uses native or third-party Filesystem and Adapter
Flysystem has a variety of Filesystems and adapters, sometimes provided by third party library.
Examples :
You might need to use one of them and implement it in Pollen Solutions Filesystem Component.
This example uses Flysystem FTP Adapter. First of all, Flysystem FTP Adapter requires a new dependency installation.
composer require league/flysystem-ftp:^2.0
use Pollen\Filesystem\Filesystem; use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; // The internal adapter $adapter = new \League\Flysystem\Ftp\FtpAdapter( // Connection options \League\Flysystem\Ftp\FtpConnectionOptions::fromArray([ 'host' => 'hostname', // required 'root' => '/root/path/', // required 'username' => 'username', // required 'password' => 'password', // required 'port' => 21, 'ssl' => false, 'timeout' => 90, 'utf8' => false, 'passive' => true, 'transferMode' => FTP_BINARY, 'systemType' => null, // 'windows' or 'unix' 'ignorePassiveAddress' => null, // true or false 'timestampsOnUnixListingsEnabled' => false, // true or false 'recurseManually' => true // true ]) ); $filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter); /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $storage->addDisk('ftp-disk', $filesystem); if ($disk = $storage->disk('ftp-disk')) { try { $listing = $disk->listContents('/'); /** @var \League\Flysystem\StorageAttributes $item */ foreach ($listing as $item) { $path = $item->path(); if ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\FileAttributes) { var_dump($path); } elseif ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\DirectoryAttributes) { var_dump($path); } } } catch (\League\Flysystem\FilesystemException $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } }
Create your own filesystem driver
use Pollen\Filesystem\StorageManagerInterface; use Pollen\Filesystem\FilesystemDriver; use League\Flysystem\Ftp\FtpAdapter; use League\Flysystem\Ftp\FtpConnectionOptions; $driver = new class extends FilesystemDriver { protected ?string $adapterDefinition = FtpAdapter::class /** * @inheritDoc * * {@internal Allows to pass and parse an array of connection options.} */ public function parseArgs(...$args) : array{ if (!isset($args[0]) || !is_array($args)) { throw new RuntimeException('FTP Filesystem first argument could be an array of connection options.'); } $config = $args[0]; $config['host'] = $config['host']?? ''; $config['root'] = $config['root']?? '/'; $config['username'] = $config['username'] ?? 'root'; $config['password'] = $config['password'] ?? 'root'; $_args[] = FtpConnectionOptions::fromArray($config); return $_args; } }; /** @var StorageManagerInterface $storage */ $storage->registerDriver('ftp', $driver); $storage->registerDisk('ftp-disk', 'ftp', [ 'host' => 'hostname', // required 'root' => '/root/path/', // required 'username' => 'username', // required 'password' => 'password', // required ]); if ($disk = $storage->disk('ftp-disk')) { try { $listing = $disk->listContents('/', true); /** @var \League\Flysystem\StorageAttributes $item */ foreach ($listing as $item) { $path = $item->path(); if ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\FileAttributes) { var_dump($path); } elseif ($item instanceof \League\Flysystem\DirectoryAttributes) { var_dump($path); } } } catch (\League\Flysystem\FilesystemException $e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); } }