
An alternate Bing Ads SDK

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v13.2.0 2021-03-02 15:05 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-10-30 16:46:14 UTC


This is an alternative to the official Bing Ads PHP SDK.

It's heavily inspired by Google AdWords PHP SDK and has some things the official Bing SDK is missing:

  1. No SoapVar required
  2. Automatic access token refreshes

It leverages league/oauth2-client to deal with the oauth flow.

Core Concepts

  • A session objects acts as a contain for all pre-request configuration (oauth creds, developer token, api environment, etc).
  • A service is instantiated with a session and extends SoapClient. Services are used to make the actual requests to the API.

Usage Example

use PMG\BingAds\BingSession;
use PMG\BingAds\BingServices;
use PMG\BingAds\CustomerManagement as cm;

$session = BingSession::builder()
    ->withEnvironment(BingSession::PROD) // or use BingSession::SANDBOX

$services = new BingServices();

$service = $services->create(cm\CustomerManagementService::class, $session);

$response = $service->getCustomersInfo(new cm\GetCustomersInfoRequest('a', 10));

Error Handling

If a soap fault occurs, it will be wrapped up in PMG\BingAds\Exception\ApiException. This exception may be specific to a service or it may be the generic PMG\BingAds\Exception\SoapFault.

To see the actual HTTP requests and response, set trace to true in the soap client options.

use PMG\BingAds\BingSession;
use PMG\BingAds\BingServices;
use PMG\BingAds\CustomerManagement as cm;

$session = BingSession::builder()
    /* build a session as above */

$services = new BingServices();

$service = $services->create(cm\CustomerManagementService::class, $session, [
    'trace' => true,

try {
    $response = $service->getCustomersInfo(new cm\GetCustomersInfoRequest('a', 10));
} catch (cm\ApplicationFault $fault) {
    echo $fault->getTrackingId(), PHP_EOL; // a UUID to help the bing team debug

    /** @var Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request */
    $request = $fault->getRequest();
    if ($request) {
        // request will be there if `trace => true` otherwise this will be null
        // show the SOAP XML request. The credentials here (access token,
        // developer token) will be redacted
        echo $request->getBody(), PHP_EOL;

    /** @var Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response */
    $response = $fault->getResponse();
    if ($response) {
        // respone will be there if `trace => true` otherwise it's null
        // display the SOAP XML response
        echo $response->getBody(), PHP_EOL;

    // show actual errors
    if ($fault instanceof cm\ApiFault) {
    } elseif ($fault instanceof cm\AdApiFault) {

Alternatively, each service provides a lastRequest and lastResponse method to view the HTTP requests/responses.

use PMG\BingAds\BingSession;
use PMG\BingAds\BingServices;
use PMG\BingAds\CustomerManagement as cm;

$session = BingSession::builder()
    /* build a session as above */

$services = new BingServices();

$service = $services->create(cm\CustomerManagementService::class, $session, [
    'trace' => true,

$response = $service->getCustomersInfo(new cm\GetCustomersInfoRequest('a', 10));



See examples/auth for an example.

Instantiate a PMG\BingAds\Auth\MicrosoftProvider and use it like any other oauth2-client provider.

use PMG\BingAds\Auth\MicrosoftProvider;

$provider = MicrosoftProvider::production([
    'clientId' => 'changeme',
    'clientSecret' => 'changeme',
    'redirectUri' => '',

// get an authorization URL
$authurl = $provider->getAuthorizationUrl(['prompt' => 'login']);
// may want to $pvodier->getState() to save the state some place

// exchange a `code` for an access token
$token = $provider->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
    'code' => $_GET['code'],