Responsive Image component for WordPress

v1.0.2 2021-08-12 11:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-12 17:42:11 UTC


Responsive Image component for WordPress. Handles retina sizes & different image shape for mobile.

  • Allows images to have normal & retina size
  • Allows images to have different mobile image in different aspect ratio
  • Automatically handles lazyload
  • Uses Picture tag for images & custom background style set for background images.


composer require pixelshelsinki/images


Pixels Images consists of individual classes for image handling + a static factory for easily using them. Before using new image handlers you just have to register image sizes using the Factory class.

Register image sizes.

Declare your image sizes in your theme / plugin. Good spot would be 'init' action hook.


use Pixels\Components\Images\Factory as ImageFactory;

 * Image sizes array
 * Pattern:
 * @var array
$sizes = array(
    'page-hero'        => array( 1100, 500, true, true ),
    'page-hero-mobile' => array( 375, 500, true, true ),

// Register sizes to image factory.
ImageFactory::add_image_sizes( $sizes );

 * You can also optionally register css-style breakpoint for mobile / desktop.
 * Default is 576px.
ImageFactory::add_breakpoint( '600px' );

Using responsive picture.

Usage in PHP:


use Pixels\Components\Images\Factory as ImageFactory;

$image_html = ImageFactory::responsive_image( $image_id, 'my_mobile_size', 'my_desktop_size', 'my alt text' );

echo $image_html;

Using responsive background.

Usage in PHP. Note that element with given CSS selector must exist in dom. Can be any valid css selector, like class or id.:


use Pixels\Components\Images\Factory as ImageFactory;

$image_html = ImageFactory::responsive_background( $image_id, 'my_mobile_size', 'my_desktop_size', '#my_html_element' );

echo $image_html;

Using with Twig / Timber.

Easiest way is to register the factory functions as Twig helper functions.


add_filter( 'get_twig', array( 'add_image_functions' ) );

function add_image_functions( $twig ) {
    // Responsive mage helper functions.
    $twig->addFunction( new \Timber\Twig_Function( 'responsive_image', '\\Pixels\\Components\\Images\\Factory::responsive_image' ) );
    $twig->addFunction( new \Timber\Twig_Function( 'responsive_background', '\\Pixels\\Components\\Images\\Factory::responsive_background' ) );

    return $twig;