
Library for writing WP Json Rest Schema



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Version 0.1.0-beta3


Defining valid JSON rest schema in WordPress is a little messy and easy to make a mistake with it being lots of nested arrays. This library attempts to make this process cleaner and simpler with a fully fluent, object driven interface.


To install, you can use composer

$ composer require pinkcrab/wp-rest-schema


Basic Usage

This can be used for Register Post Meta

register_post_meta( 'post', 'fixed_in', array(
    'type'         => 'string',
    'show_in_rest' => array(
        'single' => true,
        'schema' => Argument_Parser::for_meta_data(
                ->max_length( 42 )
                ->description('This is a required string value, that must be between 10 and 42 chars long.')
) );

Can also be used with the Perique Registerable library

    $meta_data = (new Meta_Data('fixed_in'))
                String_Type::on( 'fixed_in' )
                    ->max_length( 42 )
                    ->description('This is a required string value, that must be between 10 and 42 chars long.')

The WP Rest Schema Builder can be used in various places where you would normally define a schema, such as Rest Routes, Registering Post Types, Taxonomies and Meta Data.

Change Log

  • 0.1.0 Inital version