
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (1.0.4) of this package.

1.0.4 2016-06-23 11:43 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-16 17:34:30 UTC


Enables you to quickly install authentication pages and authorization.


Before installing, make sure your database and mail settings are correct.

To install this package, follow the steps below:

  1. add "piek-j/b302-authentication": "~1.0" to your composer.json;
  2. run the command composer update to install the package;
  3. add the service provider PiekJ\B302Authentication\B302AuthenticationServiceProvider to your app.php config;
  4. change the model in your auth.php config to PiekJ\B302Authentication\User;
  5. run the command php artisan config:publish zizaco/entrust;
  6. change the role in the config/package/zizaco/entrust/config.php to PiekJ\B302Authentication\Role;
  7. change the permission in the config/package/zizaco/entrust/config.php to PiekJ\B302Authentication\Permission;
  8. run the following commands php artisan b302-auth:migration (type for every confirm Y), php artisan migrate and php artisan b302-auth:create-user.

Go visit http://yoururl/users/login to login with the newly created user (email: admin@admin.nl, password: admin).



Url Description
/users/login Shows up the login form
/users/create Shows up the signup form
/users/forgot_password The form to request a password reset mail
/users/reset_password/{{token}} Fill in your new password to reset
/users/confirm/{{token}} Here the users confirm his account

For more detailed urls view routes.php and the B302AuthUserController.php.

Updating templates

You can use the command php artisan view:publish piek-j\b302-authentication to copy the files to app/views/packages/piek-j/b302-authentication where you can edit them.

To edit the views of the forms and emails use the following command php artisan view:publish zizaco/confide to copy the files to ap/views/packages/zizaco/confide where you can edit them.

More information

Authentication, take a look at Zizaco/Confide.

Role and permissions, take a look at Zizaco/Entrust.