
PHP TD Gram TdClient Component

1.0.0 2020-04-13 10:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-13 21:44:07 UTC


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The PHP TD Gram TdLib Client. Manages communication between TdLib and PHP. Accepts phptdgram/adapter based adapters. Works with phptdgram/schema objects.


Via Composer

$ composer require phptdgram/td-client

Basic Usage


use PHPTdGram\Schema\FormattedText;
use PHPTdGram\Schema\InputMessageText;
use PHPTdGram\Schema\SendMessage;
use PHPTdGram\Schema\SendMessageOptions;
use PHPTdGram\Schema\TdObject;
use PHPTdGram\TdClient\TdClient;

$adapter = new FFIAdapter();

$tdClient = new TdClient($adapter);
$tdClient->verifyVersion(); // Make sure that libtdjson version and our Schema version matches

while (true) {
    /** @var TdObject $packet */
    $packet = $tdClient->receive(10);

    // ... Your logic

    $sendMessagePacket = new SendMessage(
        new SendMessageOptions(
            // ...
        new InputMessageText(
            new FormattedText(
                'Hello world',




namespace PHPTdGram\TdClient;

class TdClient
    public function __construct(AdapterInterface $adapter, LoggerInterface $logger = null);

     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws JsonException
     * @throws TdClientException
    public function verifyVersion(): void;

     * @param float $timeout        the maximum number of seconds allowed for this function to wait for new data
     * @param bool  $processBacklog should process backlog packets
     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws ErrorReceivedException
     * @throws JsonException
    public function receive(float $timeout, bool $processBacklog = true): ?TdObject;

     * @param int $level New value of the verbosity level for logging. Value 0 corresponds to fatal errors, value 1
     *                   corresponds to errors, value 2 corresponds to warnings and debug warnings, value 3 corresponds
     *                   to informational, value 4 corresponds to debug, value 5 corresponds to verbose debug, value
     *                   greater than 5 and up to 1023 can be used to enable even more logging.
     * @return $this
     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws JsonException
    public function setLogVerbosityLevel(int $level): self;

     * @param string $file           path to the file to where the internal TDLib log will be written
     * @param int    $maxLogFileSize the maximum size of the file to where the internal TDLib log is written before the
     *                               file will be auto-rotated
     * @return $this
     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws JsonException
    public function setLogToFile(string $file, int $maxLogFileSize = PHP_INT_MAX): self;

     * @return $this
     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws JsonException
    public function setLogToStderr(): self;

     * @return $this
     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws JsonException
    public function setLogToNone(): self;

     * Sends packet to TdLib marked with extra identifier and loops till received marked response back or timeout
     * occurs. Stores all in between packets in backlog
     * @param TdFunction $packet         request packet to send to TdLib
     * @param int        $timeout        the maximum number of seconds allowed for this function to wait for a response
     *                                   packet
     * @param float      $receiveTimeout the maximum number of seconds allowed for this function to wait for new data
     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws ErrorReceivedException
     * @throws JsonException
     * @throws QueryTimeoutException
    public function query(TdFunction $packet, int $timeout = 10, float $receiveTimeout = 0.1): TdObject;

     * Sends packet to TdLib
     * @param TdFunction $packet request packet to send to TdLib
     * @throws AdapterException
     * @throws JsonException
    public function send(TdFunction $packet): void;


Run test cases

$ composer test

Run test cases with coverage (HTML format)

$ composer test-coverage

Run PHP style checker

$ composer cs-check

Run PHP style fixer

$ composer cs-fix

Run all continuous integration tests

$ composer ci-run


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


Please see License File for more information.