phpcommerce / ratepay
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ~6.1
- jms/serializer: ~1.1
- psr/log: ~1.0
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ~4.6.7
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-01 20:55:54 UTC
Example for a RatePAY checkout
You need to send at least the following gateway operations:
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry; use GuzzleHttp\Client; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Exception\RatePAYException; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\GatewayClientImpl; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\RatepayBrokerImpl; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\RatepayConfiguration; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\RatepayCredential; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\AddressType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\ContactsType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\CustomerType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\ExternalType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\PaymentType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\RequestHeadType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\PhoneType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\RequestType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\ShoppingBasketItemType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\Type\ShoppingBasketType; use PHPCommerce\Vendor\RatePAY\Service\Payment\DeviceFingerprintSnippetGenerator; require_once('vendor/autoload.php'); AnnotationRegistry::registerAutoloadNamespace( 'JMS\Serializer\Annotation', __DIR__ . "/vendor/jms/serializer/src"); //Client := Guzzle 6.x compatible client $client = new GatewayClientImpl(new Client(), ''); // you can optionally define a logger which will receice debug log messages from the GatewayClient //$client->setLogger(new Logger()); $ratepayConfiguration = (new RatepayConfiguration()) ->setGatewayRequestCredentialProfileId("you-profile-id") ->setGatewayRequestCredentialSecuritycode("your-security-code") ->setGatewayRequestSystemId("systemId"); $ratepayBroker = new RatepayBrokerImpl($ratepayConfiguration, $client); try { $fingerprinter = new DeviceFingerprintSnippetGenerator("4R8Pay"); $transactionId = $ratepayBroker->paymentInit(); $paymentRequest = $ratepayBroker->getRequestBuilder() ->external( (new ExternalType()) ->setMerchantConsumerId("D1234567890") ->setOrderId("50001234") ) ->customer((new CustomerType()) ->setFirstName("Max") ->setLastName("Mustermann") ->setGender(CustomerType::GENDER_MALE) ->setDateOfBirth(new DateTime("1985-01-01")) ->setIpAddress("") ->setCustomerAllowCreditInquiry(true) ->setContacts( (new ContactsType()) ->setEmail("") ->setPhone( (new PhoneType ()) ->setAreaCode("040") ->setDirectDial("1234567890") ) ) ->setAddresses([ (new AddressType()) ->setType(AddressType::ADDRESS_TYPE_BILLING) ->setFirstName("Max") ->setLastName("Mustermann") ->setStreet("Musterstraße") ->setStreetNumber("77") ->setZipCode("12345") ->setCity("Musterstadt") ->setCountryCode('DE') ]) ) ->shoppingBasket( (new ShoppingBasketType()) ->setAmount(100) ->setCurrency('EUR') ->setItems([ (new ShoppingBasketItemType()) ->setArticleNumber("123") ->setQuantity("1") ->setUnitPriceGross(100) ->setItem("Artcile 1") ]) ) ->payment( (new PaymentType()) ->setMethod(PaymentType::METHOD_INVOICE) ->setCurrency(PaymentType::CURRENCY_EUR) ->setAmount(100) ) ->build(); $res = $ratepayBroker->paymentRequest($transactionId, $paymentRequest); /** @var PaymentRequestResponseType $paymentRequestResponse */ $paymentRequestResponse = $res->getContent(); $descriptor = $paymentRequestResponse->getPayment()->getDescriptor(); // save $descriptor for your reference $ratepayBroker->paymentConfirm($transactionId); } catch (RatePAYException $e) { $message = ($e->getCustomerMessage() != "") ? $e->getCustomerMessage() : "The RatePAY transaction could not be processed"; echo $message; }
Triggering a payment change request
$paymentChange = $ratepayBroker->getRequestBuilder() ->shoppingBasket( (new ShoppingBasketType()) ->setAmount(1000) ->setCurrency('EUR') ->setItems([ (new ShoppingBasketItemType()) ->setArticleNumber("123") ->setQuantity("10") ->setUnitPriceGross(100) ->setItem("Article 1") ]) ) ->build(); $res = $ratepayBroker->paymentChange($transactionId, OperationType::OPERATION_SUBTYPE_CHANGE_ORDER, $paymentChange);
Triggering a confirmation deliver request
$confirmationDeliver = $ratepayBroker->getRequestBuilder() ->shoppingBasket( (new ShoppingBasketType()) ->setAmount(1000) ->setCurrency('EUR') ->setItems([ (new ShoppingBasketItemType()) ->setArticleNumber("123") ->setQuantity("10") ->setUnitPriceGross(100) ->setItem("Article 1") ]) ) ->build(); $res = $ratepayBroker->confirmationDeliver($transactionId, $confirmationDeliver);
RatePAY Gateway Endpoints
The RatePAY Gateway system is implemented as a XML over HTTP webservice. It can be accessed via SSL:
- Test:
- Production:
RatePAY gateway operations
Gateway operation | Mandatory / Optional | Purpose |
PAYMENT_INIT | M | Initialize the transaction and get a valid transaction-id. |
PAYMENT_QUERY full | O | Check the customer and order details, perform a configurable risk scoring, retrieve the payment products permitted in the given context. The PAYMENT_QUERY full can be booked with a guaranteed acceptance. This means that all products given back will be accepted by a following PAYMENT_REQUEST. |
PAYMENT_REQUEST | M | Check the customer and order details, perform risk scoring, return either customer acceptance or rejection. |
PAYMENT_CONFIRM | M (if response of the PAYMENT_REQUEST is positive) | Finalize the payment process. |
CONFIRMATION_DELIVER (“CD”) | M (if order has not been cancelled) | Immediately after the ordered goods have been delivered to the customer, the merchant must send a Confirmation Deliver message to the RatePAY Gateway. |
PAYMENT_CHANGE cancellation | O | Merchant cancels some or all items of the order |
PAYMENT_CHANGE return | O | Merchant returns some or all items of the order |
PAYMENT_CHANGE change-order | O | Merchant or customer adds items to the order |
PAYMENT_CHANGE credit | O | Merchant adds a credit (discount) or debit (adjustment charge) to the order |
CONFIGURATION_REQUEST | O | Retrieve the stored configuration parameters for a certain merchant profile. |
CALCULATION_REQUEST | O | Provides an installment plan depending on the request parameters and stored parameters of the merchant profile. |
Please note: The gateway operations are exposed through the RatepayBroker
JMS Serializer Library Usage Note
This library makes heavy use of the JMS-Serializer library which itself makes heavy ues of the doctrine annotation features.
To use the library in a standalone environment make sure to register the serializer source directory in the doctrine annotation registry.
AnnotationRegistry::registerAutoloadNamespace( 'JMS\Serializer\Annotation', __DIR__ . "/vendor/jms/serializer/src");
Appendix: Result Codes
The following result codes are only for internal reference in the library and are exposed
via the the RejectionException
, TechnicalException
and WarningException
if you use the
Operation | Success | Rejection | Technical Error | Warning | Additional Information |
PAYMENT_INIT | 350 | - | 150 | - | - |
PAYMENT_QUERY | 402 | 401 | 150 | 405 | The PAYMENT_QUERY needs a different evaluation. To determine if a following PAYMENT_REQUEST will be successful, the corresponding product has to be available. |
PAYMENT_REQUEST | 402 | 401 | 150 | 405 | - |
PAYMENT_CONFIRM | 400 | 401 | 150 | 405 | - |
PAYMENT_CHANGE | 403 | 401 | 150 | 405 | - |
CONFIRMATION_DELIVER | 404 | 401 | 150 | 405 | - |
CALCULATION_REQUEST | 502 | 503 | 150 | - | Note when a 503 is triggered: Although sending the same CALCULATION_REQUEST again is possible, the result will always be the same. This result indicates a request with wrong parameters. |
CONFIGURATION_REQUEST | 500 | - | 150 | - | - |