
PHP Database Extension For DOCTRINE

1.1.9 2023-10-07 14:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-07 15:41:49 UTC


About Database

  • A lightweight DATABASE PHP extension for DOCTRINE.

Composer Install

composer require phpbook/database

Declare Configurations

 *  Declare Configurations
 * ******************************************/

	(new \PHPBook\Database\Configuration\Connection)
            'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
            'path' => __DIR__ . '/db.sqlite'
        ->setMetadataCache(new \Doctrine\Common\Cache\ArrayCache)
        ->setEventManager($eventManager) // \Doctrine\Common\EventManager

	(new \PHPBook\Database\Configuration\Connection)
            'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
            'path' => __DIR__ . '/db.sqlite'
        ->setMetadataCache(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PhpFilesAdapter('doctrine-metadata'))
        ->setQueryCache(new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\PhpFilesAdapter('doctrine-query'))

//Set default connection by connection code


//Getting connections

$connections = \PHPBook\Database\Configuration\Database::getConnections();

foreach($connections as $code => $connection) {





Use Database

	//Get a Singleton Doctrine Entity Manager of a Connection or Null

    //Get a Singleton Default Doctrine Entity Manager or Null 

    //Execute Doctrine Migration of a Connection. Updates to the better version available.

    //Execute Doctrine Migration in Default Connection. Updates to the better version available.

    //Execute Doctrine Migration of a Connection. Updates or Downgrades to the version 201010101010.
    \PHPBook\Database\Migration::execute('main', '201010101010');

    //Execute Doctrine Migration in Default Connection. Updates or Downgrades to the version 201010101010.
    \PHPBook\Database\Migration::execute(Null, '201010101010');

    //Generate Doctrine Proxies of Entities in Default Connection. 
    //The Directory will be cleared recursively before generate, so you should have a unique folder to this proxies.

    //Generate Doctrine Proxy of Entities in a Connection.
    //The Directory will be cleared recursively before generate, so you should have a unique folder to this proxies.


    //Generate an UUID version 1
    \PHPBook\Database\UUID::generate('prefix-string', 'node-alias');
    \PHPBook\Database\UUID::generate('prefix-string', '');
    \PHPBook\Database\UUID::generate('', 'node-alias');

You can check the doctrine documentation to use the entity manager, migrations and other resources.