Combination of one of the best template engine Latte and pretty fast framework Phalcon.
$ composer require phalette/platte:dev-master
Register Platte as your next template engine
use Phalette\Platte\Latte\LatteFactory;
use Phalette\Platte\LatteTemplateAdapter;
$di->set('view', function () {
$view = new View();
".latte" => function ($view, $di) {
$factory = new LatteFactory();
$factory->setTempDir(__DIR__ . '/cache');
return new LatteTemplateAdapter($view, $di, $factory);
return $view;
Features from Phalcon
You can access variables in templates.
In extreme cases you can access $_di. But I really not recommend it.
Files & contents |
{content} |
$_view->getContent() |
{partial} |
$_view->getPartial($path) |
Links & urls |
{linkTo} |
$_tag->linkTo($args...) |
{url} |
$_url->get($uri) |
Forms |
{textField} |
$_tag->textField($args) |
{passwordField} |
$_tag->passwordField($args) |
{hiddenField} |
$_tag->hiddenField($args) |
{fileField} |
$_tag->fileField($args) |
{radioField} |
$_tag->radioField($args) |
{submitButton} |
$_tag->submitButton($args) |
{selectStatic} |
$_tag->selectStatic($args...) |
{select} |
$_tag->select($args...) |
{textArea} |
$_tag->textArea($args) |
{form} |
$_tag->form($args) |
{endForm} |
$_tag->endForm() |
Other |
{title} |
$_tag->getTitle() |
{friendlyTitle} |
$_tag->friendlyTitle($args...) |
{doctype} |
$_tag->getDocType() |
Assets |
{stylesheetLink} |
$_tag->stylesheetLink($args...) |
{css} |
$_tag->javascriptInclude($args...) |
{javascriptInclude} |
$_tag->javascriptInclude($args...) |
{js} |
$_tag->javascriptInclude($args...) |
{image} |
$_tag->image($args) |
Security |
{securityToken} |
$_security->getToken() |
{securityTokenKey} |
$_security->getTokenKey() |
Features from Nette
You can use all the great features from the Latte.
Latte Template Engine
See more on official documentation.
You can use macros and filters.
Classic macros
{foreach $users as $user}
<ul n:foreach="$users as $user">
{var $time => time()}
It's {$time|date:'d.m.Y'} at {$time|date:'H:i:s'}
Latte Macros
See more on official documentation.
Variable and expression printing |
{$variable} |
prints an escaped variable |
`{$variable |
noescape}` |
{expression} |
prints an escaped expression |
`{expression |
noescape}` |
Conditions |
{if $cond} … {elseif $cond} … {else} … {/if} |
if condition |
{ifset $var} … {elseifset $var} … {/ifset} |
if (isset()) condition |
Loops |
{foreach $arr as $item} … {/foreach} |
foreach loop |
{for expr; expr; expr} … {/for} |
for loop |
{while expr} … {/while} |
while loop |
{continueIf $cond} |
conditional jump to the next iteration |
{breakIf $cond} |
conditional loop break |
{first} … {/first} |
prints if first iteration |
{last} … {/last} |
prints if last iteration |
{sep} … {/sep} |
separator |
Variables |
{var $foo = value} |
variable creation |
{default $foo = value} |
default value when variable isn't declared |
{capture $var} … {/capture} |
captures a section to a variable |
Engine |
{include 'file.latte'} |
includes a template from other file |
{cache $key} … {/cache} |
caches a template section |
{php expression} |
evaluates an expression without printing it |
{* comment text *} |
a comment (removed from evaluation) |
{syntax mode} |
switches the syntax at runtime |
{use Class} |
loads new user-defined macros |
{l} or {r} |
prints { and } characters, respectively |
{contentType $type} |
switches the escaping mode and sends HTTP header |
{status $code} |
sets an HTTP status code |
HTML tag attributes |
n:class |
smart class attribute |
n:attr |
smart HTML attributes |
n:ifcontent |
Omit empty HTML tag |
n:tag-if |
Omit HTML tag if condition is FALSE |
Translations |
{_}Text{/_} |
translates a text |
{_expression} |
translates an expression and prints it with escaping |
Blocks, layouts, template inheritance |
{block block} |
block definition and immediate print out |
{define block} |
block defintion for future use |
{include block} |
inserts a block |
{include mytemplate.latte} |
inserts a template |
{includeblock 'file.latte'} |
loads blocks from external template |
{layout 'file.latte'} |
specifies a layout file |
{extends 'file.latte'} |
alias for {layout} |
{ifset #block} … {/ifset} |
condition if block is defined |
Latte Filters
See more on official documentation.
String modification |
truncate (length, append = '..') |
shortens the length preserving whole words |
substr (offset [, length]) |
returns part of the string |
trim (charset = whitespace) |
strips whitespace or other characters from the beginning and end of the string |
striptags |
removes HTML tags |
strip |
removes whitespace |
webalize (charlist = '...', lower = TRUE) |
returns string in cool URL form |
toAscii |
removes accents |
indent (level = 1, char = "\t"")" |
indents the text from left with number of tabs |
replace (search, replace = '') |
replaces all occurrences of the search string with the replacement |
replaceRE (pattern, replace = '') |
replaces all occurrences according to regular expression |
padLeft (length, pad = ' ') |
completes the string to given length from left |
padRight (length, pad = ' ') |
completes the string to given length from right |
repeat (count) |
repeats the string |
implode (glue = '') |
joins an array to a string |
nl2br |
new lines with
Letter casing |
lower |
makes a string lower case |
upper |
makes a string upper case |
firstUpper |
makes the first letter upper case |
capitalize |
lower case, the first letter of each word upper case |
Formatting |
date (format) |
formats date |
number (decimals = 0, decPoint = '.') |
format number |
bytes (precision = 2) |
formats size in bytes |
Other |
noescape |
prints a variable without escaping |
dataStream (mimetype = detect) |
Data URI protocol conversion |
escapeurl |
escapes parameter in URL |
length |
returns length of a string |
null |
flushes the input, returns nothing |
Features from your own
Writing macros
- Define macros
use Latte\Compiler;
use Latte\Macros\MacroSet;
use Phalette\Platte\Latte\MacroInstaller;
final class MyUltraMacros extends MacroSet implements MacroInstaller
public static function install(Compiler $compiler)
$me = new static($compiler);
- Register to
$factory = new LatteFactory();
$factory->addMacro(new MyUltraMacros);
Writing filters
- Define filters
final class MyUltraFilters
public static function hi($name)
return "Hi $name";
- Register to
$factory = new LatteFactory();
$factory->addFilter('sayhi', ['MyUltraFilters', 'hi']);