
Generate PDFs in Laravel with this mPDF wrapper.

v5.0.4 2022-03-02 15:56 UTC


Easily generate PDF documents from HTML right inside of Laravel using this mPDF wrapper.


Require this package in your composer.json or install it by running:

composer require niklasravnsborg/laravel-pdf

Now, you should publish package's config file to your config directory by using following command:

php artisan vendor:publish

Basic Usage

To use Laravel PDF add something like this to one of your controllers. You can pass data to a view in /resources/views.

use PDF;

function generate_pdf() {
	$data = [
		'foo' => 'bar'
	$pdf = PDF::loadView('pdf.document', $data);
	return $pdf->stream('document.pdf');

Other methods

It is also possible to use the following methods on the pdf object:

output(): Outputs the PDF as a string.
save($filename): Save the PDF to a file
download($filename): Make the PDF downloadable by the user.
stream($filename): Return a response with the PDF to show in the browser.


If you have published config file, you can change the default settings in config/pdf.php file:

return [
	'format'           => 'A4', // See
	'author'           => 'John Doe',
	'subject'          => 'This Document will explain the whole universe.',
	'keywords'         => 'PDF, Laravel, Package, Peace', // Separate values with comma
	'creator'          => 'Laravel Pdf',
	'display_mode'     => 'fullpage'

To override this configuration on a per-file basis use the fourth parameter of the initializing call like this:

PDF::loadView('pdf', $data, [], [
  'format' => 'A5-L'

Headers and Footers

If you want to have headers and footers that appear on every page, add them to your <body> tag like this:

<htmlpageheader name="page-header">
	Your Header Content

<htmlpagefooter name="page-footer">
	Your Footer Content

Now you just need to define them with the name attribute in your CSS:

@page {
	header: page-header;
	footer: page-footer;

Inside of headers and footers {PAGENO} can be used to display the page number.

Find more information to SetProtection() here:


To use the testing suite, you need some extensions and binaries for your local PHP. On macOS, you can install them like this:

brew install imagemagick ghostscript
pecl install imagick


Laravel PDF is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license