
Provide Authentication and Authorization using KeyCloak Socialite Provider

v0.1.1 2021-02-13 11:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-07 02:12:54 UTC



LaraKeycloak provides Authentication using KeyCloak Socialite Provider and RBAC Authorization by checking user roles from Keycloak.


Keycloak Configurations

Before installing LaraKeycloak, configure your Keycloak Server to add your application as Client.

Creating a Keycloak Client


Add User Roles in Keycloak Client


Create Users and Assign Roles

Create at least a Regular User and an Admin User, for testing Authorization later on.



composer require peppertech/larakeycloak


Environment Variables

Variable Required Description Default Value
KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL Yes Keycloak Server URL. ie. https://[keycloak server]/auth none
KEYCLOAK_REALMS Yes Keycloak Realm none
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID Yes Keycloak Client ID none
KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET Yes OpenId Connect Client Secret none
KEYCLOAK_REDIRECT_URI Yes The default page to redirect users after login /home
KEYCLOAK_REALM_PUBLIC_KEY Yes Keycloak Realm RS256 Public Key none


Published Files

Run the following commands to publish the files to your app.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="larakeycloak"

This will copy the following files:

  • app/Http/Controllers/LaraKeyController.php, controller for the /auth/redirect and '/auth/callback` routes.
  • app/Policies/SampleAdminPolicy.php, an example Admin Policy to secure certain pages in your application for admin role
  • resources/views/sample_admin_blade.php, example Admin View with /sample/admin route.
  • app/Http/Controllers/SampleAdminController.php, controller for the /sample/admin route.


Create the following routes in your app/routes/web.php

Route::group(['middleware' => ['auth:web']], function () {
    Route::get('/sample/admin', 'SampleAdminController@index')->name('sample-admin');

Route::get('/auth/redirect', 'LaraKeycloakController@redirect')->name('auth-redirect');
Route::get('/auth/callback', 'LaraKeycloakController@callback')->name('auth-callback');

Route::get('logout', '\App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController@logout');

Add the following logout method in your LoginController

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use PepperTech\LaraKeycloak\LaraKeycloak;

public function logout()
    $larakc = new LaraKeyCloak();
    return redirect()->guest(route('main'));   // `main` is the route name of public homepage

Socialite Keycloak Settings


  • Add the following block in your config/services.php
'keycloak' => [    
        'client_id' => env('KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID'),  
        'client_secret' => env('KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET'),  
        'redirect' => env('KEYCLOAK_REDIRECT_URI'),
        'base_url' => env('KEYCLOAK_BASE_URL'),
        'realms' => env('KEYCLOAK_REALMS'),
        'realm_public_key' => env('KEYCLOAK_REALM_PUBLIC_KEY'),
  • In app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php, add the following:
use SocialiteProviders\Manager\SocialiteWasCalled;

protected $listen = [
        SocialiteWasCalled::class => [
            // add your listeners (aka providers) here
  • In config/app.php add the SocialiteProviders\Manager\ServiceProvider::class and comment-out Laravel\Socialite\SocialiteServiceProvider::class if you have added this before.
'providers' => [
    // Laravel\Socialite\SocialiteServiceProvider::class,   

Auth Middleware

  • In app/Http/Middleware/Authenticate.php, change the redirectTo method. This change will make the redirection to Keycloak Login when an unauthenticated user access a protect part of the website.
protected function redirectTo($request)
    if (! Auth::check()) {
        return route('auth-redirect');


Authorization is provided by roles of user from Keycloak. PepperTech\LaraKeycloak\LaraKeycloak class has a public method hasRole that checks if currently logged-in user has that role. hasRole can be used with Laravel Authorization

Defining Gates

  • Define your Gate in app/Providers/AuthServiceProvider.php boot method
public function boot()

        Gate::define('view-admin', [SampleAdminPolicy::class, 'view']);
        // define more Gates here


  • An example Policy is provided in app/Policies/SampleAdminPolicy.php that uses the LaraKeycloak hasRole method.
  • An example Admin View Controller is also provided at app/Htttp/Controllers/SampleAdminController.php. Inspect how Gates are used here to check the user's authorization in viewing a page.


  • To test if everything is working, navigate to http://[your domain]/sample/admin. This should redirct to Keycloak Login Page.
  • Login with a Keycloak User that has 'admin' role.
  • Upon login, you should be able to see the Sample Admin Page.
  • Logout and go to http://[your domain]/sample/admin again. This time, login with a user that does not have an admin role.
  • Upon login, you should see a 403 Unauthorized Page.