
A PHP class for formatting error payloads.

v1.0.2 2025-02-06 09:13 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-06 10:40:50 UTC


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A PHP class for formatting error payloads in applications. This package provides a simple and consistent way to convert error information into a structured array format, making it easier to log, display, or broadcast errors throughout your application.

Table of Contents


  • Consistent Error Formatting: Provides a custom format for error payloads.
  • Laravel Integration: Utilizes Illuminate\Http\Request for request data and accepts any Throwable instance for flexible error handling.
  • PSR-4 Autoloading: Easily integrates into your projects via Composer.
  • Robust Error Handling: Supports the latest PHP error handling best practices by using the Throwable interface.


  • PHP 8.0 or later
  • Laravel (if integrating into a Laravel project)


You can install the package via Composer. Add the following line to your project's composer.json file:

composer require pensoft/awt-error-formatter


Include in your PHP class/file

use Pensoft\AwtErrorFormatter\ErrorPayloadFormatter;

Formatting the error

// Format the error payload
$errorPayload = ErrorPayloadFormatter::format(
    Request $request,
    Throwable $e,
//send $errorPayload to third-party library or service

Response format

    'service_name'  => $serviceName,
    'service_id'    => $serviceId ?? 'no-service-id',  // or cast to string/number as needed
    'message'       => $throwable->getMessage(),       // string error message
    'user_id'       => $userId,                        // e.g., UUID or null
    'timestamp'     => now()->timestamp,               // integer Unix timestamp
    'service_type'  => $serviceType,                   // e.g., 'backend' or 'frontend'

    // "details" section with request info & error code
    'details' => [
        'error_type'    => $errorType,                      // e.g., 'HTTP' or 'CRONJOB'
        'uri'           => $request->fullUrl(),             // e.g. ""
        'method'        => $request->method(),              // e.g. "GET", "POST", etc.
        'user_agent'    => $request->header('User-Agent') ?? 'unknown',
        'payload'       => $request->all(),                 // entire request input as an array
        'error_code'    => $throwable->getCode(),           // numeric or 0 if none
        'stack_trace'   => $throwable->getTrace(),          // array full stack trace
        'file_name'     => $throwable->getFile(),           // file path
        'line_number'   => $throwable->getLine(),           // integer line number