A asynchronous http client without php-curl extension.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

v0.1.14 2016-11-18 09:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-08-09 13:31:40 UTC


A asynchronous http client without php-curl extension.

Build Status Test Status Latest Stable Version


  • 异步请求
  • 支持批量请求
  • 无需PHP CURL扩展


use Purl\Http\AsyncClient;
use Purl\Http\Response;

$requestIds = array();
$client = new AsyncClient();

// 添加一个请求,添加时并不会发出请求,需要调用 $client->request 
// 如果之后请求出错, result会为null
// 回调中会带之前返回的$requestId, 如果你共用回调,那么这个id可以让你知道是哪个请求返回了
$requestIds['163'] = $client->addGet('http://www.163.com/', function ($id, Response $result = null) {
    echo $id, ': ', substr($result->getBody(), 0, 50), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
}, array('Accept' => 'text/html'));

$requestIds['sina'] = $client->addGet('http://www.sina.com.cn/', function ($id, Response $result = null) {
    echo $id, ': ', substr($result->getBody(), 0, 50), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
}, array('Accept' => 'text/html'));

$requestIds['csdn'] = $client->addGet('http://blog.csdn.net/', function ($id, Response $result = null) {
    echo $id, ': ', substr($result->getBody(), 0, 50), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
}, array('Accept' => 'text/html'));

$requestIds['sohu'] = $client->addGet('http://www.sohu.com/', function ($id, Response $result = null) {
    echo $id, ': ', substr($result->getBody(), 0, 50), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
}, array('Accept' => 'text/html'));

$requestIds['qq'] = $client->addGet('http://www.qq.com/', function ($id, Response $result = null) {
    echo $id, ': ', substr($result->getBody(), 0, 50), PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL;
}, array('Accept' => 'text/html'));

echo 'request ids: ', print_r($requestIds, true), PHP_EOL;

$client->request(function (array $ids) {
    // 这个回调在所有请求已发出,但未返回时被调用,可以做点什么而不用等着返回。
    // 回调中参数为请求成功发送的requestId集合
    echo 'sent ids:', print_r($ids, true), PHP_EOL;


use Purl\Http\Client;

$client = new Client();

// 发出一个get请求, 请求成功返回一个Response实例,失败返回null
// 可以在这里指定一个回调,这个回调在所有请求已发出,但未返回时被调用,可以做点什么而不用等着返回。该回调无参数。
$result = $client->get('http://blog.csdn.net', function () {
    echo 'request sent', PHP_EOL;
}, array('Accept' => 'text/html'));

echo $result->getBody(), PHP_EOL;