
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.0.2) of this package.

SSL certificate utilites, including intermediate certificate chain generator.

0.0.2 2016-07-28 17:03 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-02-21 16:56:29 UTC


Collection of random SSL-related utilities written in PHP.

The cu script in the top-level directory is the common entry point for all the commands, and when invoked without arguments will list all the available commands and global options.

cu build-chain

cu build-chain [--include-root] path

Build an intermediate certificate chain for an SSL certificate stored in path and print it on stdout. Use the --include-root flag if you want to include the root certificate in the generated chain.

The utility assumes that trusted root certificates are located in /etc/ssl/certs/.

cu find:expired

cu find:expired [--expiry] directory

Recursively scan directory for certificate files and report ones that have expired.

Certificate files are defined as files with .crt or .pem extension.

By default the expiration time is checked against current time, this can be overridden with the optional --expiry argument which takes string understood by strtotime() PHP function, for example:

cu find:expired --expiry="+4 weeks" /ssl-certs/

will report certificate files that are due to expire in the next 4 weeks.

cu find:no-chain

cu find:no-chain directory

Recursively scan directory for certificate files and report ones that likely contain no certificate chain. Currently it doesn't verify validity of the chain for the certificate files that do contain it.

Certificate files are defined as files with .crt or .pem extension, and are expected to contain the certificate itself along with its chain.