
Payload PHP Library

0.3.6 2024-04-12 18:31 UTC


A PHP library for integrating Payload.


Install using composer

composer require payload/payload-api

Install and run manually


sudo apt install php-curl

Require import.php


Get Started

Once you've installed the Payload PHP library to your environment, we recommend using the shorthand alias name of pl for Payload\API.

use Payload\API as pl;

API Authentication

To authenticate with the Payload API, you'll need a live or test API key. API keys are accessible from within the Payload dashboard.

use Payload\API as pl;
pl::$api_key = 'secret_key_3bW9JMZtPVDOfFNzwRdfE';

Testing the PHP Library

Tests are contained within the Tests/ directory. To run a test file enter the command in terminal

./vendor/bin/phpunit Tests/{__FILENAME__}.php

Test execution options can be viewed using the ./vendor/bin/phpunit command.

Creating an Object

Interfacing with the Payload API is done primarily through Payload Objects. Below is an example of creating a customer using the Payload\Customer object.

# Create a Customer
$customer = Payload\Customer::create(array(
    'name'=>'Matt Perez'
# Create a Payment
$payment = Payload\Transaction::create(array(
    'payment_method'=>new Payload\PaymentMethod(array(
        'card'=>array('card_number'=>'4242 4242 4242 4242'),

Accessing Object Attributes

Object attributes are accessible through dot notation.


Updating an Object

Updating an object is a simple call to the update object method.

# Updating a customer's email
$customer->update(array( 'email'=>'' ))

Selecting Objects

Objects can be selected using any of their attributes.

# Select a customer by email
$customers = Payload\Customer::filter_by(

Use the pl::attr() attribute helper interface to write powerful queries with a little extra syntax sugar.

$payments = Payload\Transaction::filter_by(


To get further information on Payload's PHP library and API capabilities, visit the unabridged Payload Documentation.