
A simple loggable package for laravel

v2.0.0 2021-06-26 14:20 UTC


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The paxha/laravel-loggable package provides easy to use functions to log the all CRUD operations of the loggable model in your app. It can also automatically log model events. All Logs will be stored in the logs table.


Add the package to your Laravel app using composer

composer require paxha/laravel-loggable

Getting Started

Execute the Artisan command to run the migrations.

php artisan migrate


To start logging CRUD operations simply use the trait on your models.

use Loggable\Traits\Loggable;

class Product extends Model
    use Loggable;


Model's Logs

Logs that are stored in database are something like this string

"A New Product 1 is Created by - User Name"

to override this bold name string you can write this method in your Model.

by default it will take name column

use Loggable\Traits\Loggable;

class Product extends Model
    use HasLogs;

    public function getActedUpon(){
        return $this->title;

it can be any column from your Loggable table like name,title,product_name or anything.

You can retrieve Loggable Model's Logs

$product_logs = Product::first()->logs();
// return Array of first Product's logs

You can retrieve Authenticatable Model's Logs by using this Trait HasLogs

use Loggable\Traits\Loggable;

class User extends Model
    use HasLogs;

$user_logs = auth()->user()->logs();
// return Array of current authenticated User's logs

Logs that are stored in database are something like this string

User's Logs

"A New Product 1 is Created by - User Name"

to override this bold user's name string you can write this method in your Model.

use Loggable\Traits\Loggable;

class User extends Model
    use HasLogs;

    public function getActor(){
        return $this->first_name." ".$this->last_name;

by default it will take name column

it can be any column from your Autheticatable table like name,email,id or anything

Using Both Traits in one Place

if you want to use both Traits in One Model you will need to implement this code snippet to overcome multiple inheritence problem

 use Loggable\Traits\Loggable;
 class User extends Model
     use Loggable, HasLogs {
             Loggable::logs insteadof HasLogs;
             HasLogs::logs as historyLogs;

you can choose any name instead of historyLogs

$user_logs = auth()->user()->historyLogs();
// return Array of current authenticated User's logs


This is open-sourced laravel library licensed under the MIT license.