
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.0.2) of this package.

Fetch markdown files and convert HTML

0.0.2 2024-10-20 15:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-21 11:25:44 UTC


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Table of Contents

This Laravel pattern with allow you to add a lightweight CMS to your Laravel application. This package will allow you to create markdown files in your Laravel application and then display the content on the front end of your website.

It works by writing in markdown files and then index the slug into the database. This will allow you to query on this slug to get the content of the markdown file.


Install the package via composer:

composer require paulund/content-markdown

Publish the configuration file:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Paulund\ContentMarkdown\ContentMarkdownServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate 


Add Filesystem Disk

Add the following to your config/filesystems.php file:

'disks' => [
    'content' => [
        'driver' => 'local',
        'root' => storage_path('content'),
        'visibility' => 'private',
        'serve' => false,
        'throw' => false,

This means you need to create a folder in the storage directory called content where you can store your markdown files.

├── storage/
│   └── content/

You can also add sub categories to the content folder to organise your markdown files.

├── storage/
│   └── content/
│       └── blog/
│       └── portfolio/

Setup Database Configuration

Content markdown consists of 3 database tables, content, tags and content_tags. You can create these tables by running the migration:

php artisan migrate

In the config file you can customise the database table names.

'database' => [
    'connection' => env('CONTENT_DATABASE_CONNECTION', 'sqlite'),
    'content_table_name' => env('CONTENT_DATABASE_TABLE', 'contents'),
    'tags_table_name' => env('TAG_DATABASE_TABLE', 'tags'),
    'content_tags_table_name' => env('CONTENT_TAGS_DATABASE_TABLE', 'content_tag'),

Draft Posts

There are a few ways that you can define a post as a draft.

  • In the frontmatter you can use published: false
  • Prefixing the file with . will make the file a draft

You can customise the prefix in the config file.

'drafts' => [
    'prefix' => '.',

Commonmark Configuration

This package uses commonmark to parse the markdown files. You can customise the configuration of commonmark in the config file.

'commonmark' => [
    'config' => [
        'heading_permalink' => [
            'html_class' => 'heading-permalink',
            'id_prefix' => 'content',
            'apply_id_to_heading' => true,
            'heading_class' => '',
            'fragment_prefix' => 'content',
            'insert' => 'after',
            'min_heading_level' => 1,
            'max_heading_level' => 6,
            'title' => 'Permalink',
            'symbol' => '#',
            'aria_hidden' => true,

Content Properties

  • title - The title of the content
  • slug - The slug of the content
  • tags - The tags of the content in array format
  • published - A boolean to define if the content is published
  • createdAt - The date the content was created
title: Content Title
slug: content-slug
    - blog
    - writing
published: true
createdAt: 2022-09-03 15:00:00


Index Command

The index command will take the markdown files in the filesystem disk and index the file in the database.

Whenever a new markdown files is created you can run this command to index the file.

php artisan content:index

This will also run nightly to ensure the index stays up to date.

Get All Content

In order to display all of the content you can use the Content model to fetch the content.


Get All Content In Folder

You can organise your markdown files into different folders in the filesystem disk. You can query the content by folder.


Get The Latest 10 Content

You can limit the number of content that is returned by using the limit method.


Get Content By Slug

You can query the content by the slug of the markdown file.


Get Content By Tag

You can query the content by the tag of the markdown file.


Populate Content

Once you have found your content model in the database you can populate it with the content of the markdown file by using the populate method.

$content = Content::slug('content-slug')->first();

echo $content->title;
echo $content->description;
echo $content->content;

Content Cache

Whenever you make a request the application will need to lookup the database but the slug of the file, then lookup the markdown file, then parse the markdown to display it. This can add some latency to the request. To speed up the request you can cache the content using the CacheResponse middleware.

Route::get('/content/{slug}', function ($slug) {
    $content = Content::slug($slug)->first();

    return response()->json($content);

This will cache the response for 1 hour using the file store.

If you want to customise the cache settings you can change the store and the ttl.

| Cache Configuration
| Configure the Cache for your content. This is enabled by middleware
'cache' => [
     * Cache store to use
    'store' => env('CONTENT_CACHE_STORE', 'file'),

     * Seconds to cache the content for 3600 = 1 hour
    'ttl' => env('CONTENT_CACHE_TTL', 3600),


vendor/bin/testbench workbench:install
composer test



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.