
Laravel Artisan command for importing a google docs spreadsheet into database using a model

dev-master 2021-11-24 03:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 10:26:00 UTC



composer require patrikgrinsvall/laravel-import-spreadsheet

Usage Examples

  1. Always create a new record, use the ´Post´ model and dont match against existing record, continue even if there are database errors and also add all values to a json column named json_data without caching the response
    php artisan import:google-spreadsheet \
    -s <spreadsheetid> \
    --create-new \
    --model=App\\Models\\Post \
    --skip-errors \
    --json-column=json_data \
  1. Always create a new record, use the ´Post´ model and dont match against existing record, save the spreadsheet in storage_path("mytmpcsv.csv")
php artisan import:google-spreadsheet  \
-s spreadsheetid \
--create-new \
--model=App\\Models\\Post \
--filename=mytmpcsv.csv \
  1. Import data using ´database_column´ as unique key, meaning all rows will be matched against database record with this corresponding value from csv, use the ´Post´ model, save all fields as json in column ´post_attributes´ and dont cache the response
php artisan import:google-spreadsheet -s spreadsheetid \
-u="Spreadsheet header column=datebase_column"  \
--model=App\\Models\\Post \
--json-column=post_attributes \

Running from command line

php artisan import:google-spreadsheet


  • -s --spreadsheet= : The id of the spreadsheet, the character sequence after /d/ in the spreadsheet URL. The spreadsheet must be made public, - required
  • -m --model= : The model to use. The columns in the spreadsheet must match the columns snake_case in the model or else they are silently skipped - required
  • -u --unique-key= : eg. title=identifier, this will take header column in csv and match against the column identifier in the model which must be unique - optional
  • -j --json-column= : If the model has a json column where all data should be put, specify this here. - optional
  • -c --create-new : Always create a new record, never match key and try to update - optional
  • -f --filename= : Use this filename as temporary storage - default=import.csv
  • -d --cache-ttl= : By default the response from google docs is cached for 3600 seconds, this option changes this value, use 0 to disable cache - optional
  • -e --skip-errors : Skip errors if possible and continue with next row, such as duplicate key or error when inserting data - optional


  • If running updates often and only used against one spreadsheet id, it makes sense to run artisan vendor:publish and set this id environment variables or the config file.

From config/import-spreadsheet.php

    | Google Spreadsheet ID
    | This is the google spreadsheet id, it can be taken from url in browser.
    | If importing from multiple spreadsheets across serveral commands
    | dont set this in config
    'spreadsheet' => env('IMPORT_SPREADSHEET_ID', null),
    | unique-key
    | The attribute in model or column in database to use for mapping
    | csv header column. Example:
    | 'csv_email_column=email'
    | will map `csv_email_column` column in spreadsheet against email
    | column in the table
    'unique-key' => env('IMPORT_SPREADSHEET_UNIQUE_KEY', null),
    | Model
    | The FQCN to the model to use, example App\\Models\\User
    'model' => env('IMPORT_SPREADSHEET_MODEL', null),
    | Json column
    | If all csv columns should be mapped into a json column in databse
    | table, this is the database column name
    'json-column' => env('IMPORT_SPREADSHEET_JSON_COLUMN', null),
    | cache ttl
    | By default requests to spreadsheets are cached for an hour, 0 will disable
    'cache-ttl' => env('IMPORT_SPREADSHEET_CACHE_TTL', 3600),
    | filename
    | If the original csv file needs to be processed further by another job
    | this is the filename the downloaded file will have on disk
    'filename' => env('IMPORT_SPREADSHEET_FILENAME', storage_path('csvimport.csv'))


PR´s are very welcome


Only tested with laravel 8.0 and 8.1