
Production-grade REST-API App-class for PHP SLIM, in production on (

v1.7 2022-11-04 09:18 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 23:29:56 UTC


Uses PHP 7.x syntax

Turns the default SLIM App-class into a production-grade JSON REST-API base-class:

  • adds (GET, POST and header) parameter validation for added security and self-documentation
  • adds robust exception and assert handling / sets-up the PHP interpreter for exceptions so 'normal' errors will throw exceptions that you can catch.
  • translates unhandled exceptions into 'normal' JSON-responses with the correct HTTP-STATUS
  • translates unknown routes/URL's and methods into 'normal' 403 and 404 JSON-responses
  • CLI support to accept and protect for instance cronjob calls from the server
  • Middleware for database optimisation and memcache support
  • Query caching (using APCu)

Very simple to use, just use the SlimRestApi-class instead of the standard Slim App-class.

Edit the slim-rest-api.ini for correct (database) configuration.

Example index.php:


declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace YourApi;

define("BASE_PATH", dirname(__FILE__));

require BASE_PATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use SlimRequestParams\BodyParameters;
use SlimRequestParams\QueryParameters;
use SlimRestApi\Middleware\CliRequest;
use SlimRestApi\Middleware\Cacheable;
use SlimRestApi\Middleware\ReadOnly;
use SlimRestApi\SlimRestApi;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;

class YourApi extends SlimRestApi
    public function __construct()
        // call parent ctor before anything else!

        // Add a route
        $this->get("/echo", function (
            ServerRequestInterface $request,
            ResponseInterface $response,
            \stdClass $args)
        : ResponseInterface
            return $response->withJson(QueryParameters::get());
            ->add(new QueryParameters([
                '{string:.{30}},the lazy fox',
            ->add(new ReadOnly);

// instantiate and run
(new YourApi)->run();

Start the PHP server:

php -S localhost:8000

Open this URL's in your browser (see what happens):



  • Install with Composer

  • Update your composer.json to require patricksavalle/slim-rest-api.

  • Run composer install to add slim-rest-api your vendor folder.

          "patricksavalle/slim-rest-api": "^1.0"
  • Include in your source.

      require './vendor/autoload.php';
  • Copy the slim-rest-api.ini file to the project-root and edit (put in your settings)

Available Middleware

This packages comes with a minimum of (optional) helpers and middleware.

Validate parameters of a route


use SlimRequestParams\BodyParameters;
use SlimRequestParams\QueryParameters;

Set route to read-only

Sets route to read-only, optimising the database engine, adding a layer of robustness by preventing unwanted updates to the database.

use SlimRestApi\Middleware\ReadOnly;
$YourApp->get(...)->add( new ReadOnly );

If you use other middleware (e.g. authentication) that needs write-access, chain them AFTER this method, like so

use SlimRestApi\Middleware\ReadOnly;
    ->add( new ReadOnly )
    ->add( new Authentication )
    -> ...

Set route to CLI / command-line only

Very usefull for functions that should not be exposed over HTTP (such as cronjob callbacks or configuration methods). For examples see:

use SlimRestApi\Middleware\CliRequest;
$YourApp->get(...)->add( new CliRequest );

Available helpers

Database / PDO access

Makes database access as simple as possible. Automatically handles prepared-statement usage. Adds supersimple transaction support.

use SlimRestApi/Db;
$obj = Db::transaction(function(){
    $obj = Db::execute("SELECT * FROM yourtable LIMIT 1")->fetch();
    $obj->some_field = 'changed';
    return $obj;

All PDO-statements are accessible through the Db-singleton (magic method). To prevent warnings use:

/** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */

Easy query caching (using APCu).

INI-file / configuration

Makes INI's as simple as possible. Looks for a 'slim-rest-api.ini' file in the webroot, see project for axeample.

Uue SlimeRestApi/Ini;
$value = Ini::get('key');

Memcaching of methods and functions

Provides a memcached version of call_user_func_array(). Use only for true functions (i.e. code without side-effects so the result depends only on the function-argument).

use SlimRestApi/Memcache;
$value = Memcache::call_user_func_array(...);

These functions actually uses APCu as caching engine.


Fork it.

  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature).
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature').
  • Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature).
  • Create a new Pull Request.