
A Command Framework virion for PocketMine-MP

3.2.0 2024-05-10 11:51 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-10 11:54:05 UTC


A PocketMine-MP Virion for easier implementation of dynamic commands, including support for Minecraft: Bedrock Edition argument listing aimed for both the end users and the plugin developers.

Refer to the official documentation for instructions on how to use this virion library.


  • Support infinite depth subcommands (used in PiggyFactions)
  • Improve error handling for command arguments
  • And other miscellaneous bug fixes

We will try to keep this fork up-to-date with the upstream changes.

This framework was made with ❤️ by CortexPE, modified by Paroxity. Enjoy!~ :3